Alleged Members of an Alleged Group Secret societies have been around for a long time. How long? Well, that depends on how well people have been at keeping secrets. over time there has been many clubs and groups to become public knowledge at least on some level. One of the most recent secret societies to be tossed out to the conspiracy wolves has been the illuminati.
I don't know much and I'm not too concerned with educating myself on the topic. I just know that the rumor gamut that runs regarding it reminds me of the scientology stalkers. Who cares what anyone else thinks except for yourself? Why does it matter to you?
I know, but what's the fun in being levelheaded and respectful of everyone? Stupid.
Basically, from what I've gathered, is that it's a group of big name a-list celebrities, mainly rappers for some reason, who "run things" and has ties to the government. I'm sure there is some symbolism and maybe even some evil doings according to the psycho freak people.
The crazy thing is the list of rumored celebrities that are attached to the group. Many of them are involved with the music industry.
Now, I'm going to educate myself on the "alleged" musicians of the illuminati.
Why, you ask? Why not, I say!
I think Rihanna is the illuminati. No, she’s not a member of this crazy secret society of rich and powerful socialite. She IS the whole damn gang. I heard from a unreliable source that “Rihanna” actually translates to “illuminati queen” in a language that doesn’t exist. The conspiracy nuts are avid and mad about this one. Ri-Ri doesn’t make it any easier for anyone though. She’s constantly using symbolism that’s “associated with illuminati”. She plays a long with it. In her “S&M” video she dropped TONS of “hints”. She is said to be a promoter of satanic ways and is constantly sneaking in her hidden heathen messages. Damn her! She displays pyramids, photos of her with one eye, and tons of the little quirks that go with being part of the upper crest of humanity. She’s also connected to Jay Z, which is apparently the easiest sign of “You might be illuminati if…” It’s JUST like the old Jeff Foxworthy jokes about being a redneck except… not. They are exactly the same. Replace and it’s the same.. “If you go to a family reunion to pick up women… you might be illuminati” OR “if you sound like a Jamaican robot with mediocre talent and appealing looks… you might be Rihanna… and illuminati!”
If you play “Baby” backwards, you’ll hear a backmasking masterpiece that gives us evil guidance, declares a war, and professes to general evil. He’s got an evil owl tattoo… that’s something too! It all adds up, right? When I think of powerful figures that scare me Justin Bieber is right at the bottom of that list. Justin Bieber is a dumb kid that even dumber kids are fans of. He’s a harmless pop star. He is going through what ALL pop stars seem to be going through these days. He was a wholesome kids star and then as he got older he’d rebel more and more to the point where the same parents who was buying the CDs are now citing him as an example of how NOT to act. He’s just a dumb kid with a lot privilege right now. He’s not part of some secret society. I don’t think he can spell “secret society”. That’s still a few spelling tests away.
He’s Kanye West. He’s already evil. There is no way in hell a secret society would want one of pop culture’s biggest mouths attached to it. I know he’s rich, successful, and a talented artist… but he’s also married into the Kardashian family. This takes any and all serious credibility and tosses it out the door. I’ll continue to appreciate his art, but that doesn’t mean I need to support his life style or choices. I’m sure he wouldn’t want a fan without a real opinion and view of the world so I don’t lose sleep over it. I wouldn’t anyway. Apparently I’m alone in that though. West gets under people’s skin with the best of them. He has spouted off stuff about the illuminati and keeps dropping symbolism connections, but it’s really hard to believe he’d be in a group of dignified folks. He’s too much of a loose cannon and a free thinker to be grouped with suits and ties. The dude loves his publicity though. I see no reason for him to admit or deny anything. As long as we’re talking, we’re going to be listening…
So is he STILL a member or not? That’s the debate. When people waste their time to talk about the illuminati and Eminem they don’t even debate IF he’s a member. The story goes that Eminem was in the illuminati but quit or “got out”. There are theories and “examples” to back this story out. It’s even said that the song “Not afraid” is about going against the illuminati family he was once part of. He has plenty of “one eye” images out there and the typical symbolism that’s easily associated with evil. Eminem gets to have this little extra thing to reference and add to his mystique. It’s like having his cake and eating it and yours too. Eminem gets to be the hero of this story while still getting the mystique of being an actual member… or is he?! Oh man… the suspense! Here comes mom’s spaghetti…
Madonna is evil! Remember her Super Bowl Half Time Show? Yeah… sorry, you’ve been brainwashed. That whole performance and production was actually a ritual that was performed in front of millions of unknowing people. Why? There was some fire, beams of light, a pyramid, and some other far-fetched stuff. Madonna runs with it, for better or for worse. On her recent tour she used it as part of her “forced controversy” stuff she does when she needs to promote something. You know how it works. We don’t hear anything from her for a while then she says something or does something very calculatingly “shocking” to get some attention around the same time she has something she wants money for; be it album, tickets, or merch. Madonna is an artist, the American David Bowie. Think about it.
Lady Gaga is a lot of things, but illuminati? I’m not buying it. She’s too weird and artsy to be part of some kind of conformist cult of leaders. Her personality thrives on the need for attention and affection. A real “monster” would not give a shit about people’s thoughts or affection, just the bottom line and their P.O.V. of the “greater good”. Yet the conspiracy psychos bite the bait and get lead along by this marketing genius. She plays up and uses the one eye thing in many photo shoots. It looks cool, but it’s also connected to the illuminati’s “all seeing eye” symbol. There is tons of weird symbolism that people take from her stuff, but her stuff is so weird and full of her own symbolism that I don’t think there’s room for any other pretention. I’m not even a big Gaga fan or anything, but I think she’d be too good for this club. Her whole deal is to be all inclusive and welcoming of everyone.
1.) JAY Z
There is tons of conspiracy talk about Jay Z being in the illuminati. It goes back to the 90s. Even Rolling Stone magazine had a piece on this topic back in like 98. More people than one would imagine are caught up in the Jay Z theory. There was one recent discussion I had with an old friend who brought up Jay Z’s “diamond” shaped hand signal. They said it was illuminati related, but in reality it’s just a hand sign. In fact, he was sued and settled with “Diamond” Dallas Page, the professional wrestler who was CLEARLY doing it longer for audiences of millions. He has brought up the illuminati conspiracies in his lyrics, which probably did more harm to clearing it up than anything. Even if it’s not true, he’s still out there using it to his advantage by using some easy symbolism and little hints to freak people out. It’s working too. He wears the pyramid symbols in a lot of his jewelry and there is even a creepy report from the International Business Times that Jay Z had a doppelganger in 1939 thanks to an unsettling picture. The craziest was someone putting out there that his daughter’s name is an ode to the cult. Apparently Ivy Blue just isn’t a really nice name, it’s “I.V.Y. = Illuminati’s Very Youngest B.L.U.E. = Born Living Under Evil.” People just seem to be hunting for reasons to poke holes in Jay Z’s credibility or to make him seem “evil”. The weird thing is how he denies it. He’s constantly bringing up his faith in God, which is all good and fine. If he’s not in the illuminati, the free masons can still sign him up. If the Illuminati are real and its members consist of powerful hip hop moguls then Jay Z should probably be on top of the list. Does it take on members who are famous for songs like “99 Problems (But a Bitch Ain’t One)”, “Hardknock Life”, and “Niggas In Paris”? If so, then praise Hova. In all seriousness, Jay Z IS one the most successful performers and pop culture entrepreneurs out there. He has businesses on top of businesses and ventures on top of ventures. He’s constantly evolving and taking on new business goals. In a few short years he went from a NBA team owner who was married to Beyonce to a celebrity sports agent who is married to Beyonce. How does he manage to get these opportunities? Is it the power of the illuminati or the fact that he’s pretty much a billionaire doing whatever he wants? Who is going to stop the guy?
So is this real? If so, WHO is in it?!