I don’t know much about Five Finger Death Punch. I’ve heard from many respectable metal heads and rock fans that they are a solid band. I’ve even been told from a rockstar friend of mine who just got back from a national tour that HIS band has been compared to Five Finger Death Punch. That’s a lot of push and credibility to back the band. I remember hearing about them years ago, but I just never dove in and gave them a shot.
I’m not sure if I want to get into a new metal band at the time. I love music and have been taking in just about every genre outside of country into my crowded brain. I seem to be leaning towards classic hippy rock lately, but life is full of phases. Tomorrow I could wake up want to hear some Rammstein and go light my yard on fire or I could wake up and crave some “Gin and Juice”. Regardless, I’m always open to new captivating music.
Today I’m going to take a look at the videography of Five Finger Death Punch. I’m hoping for the best here. I’m optimistic that these guys will rock my ass so hard that I have no choice but to take some time in the near future to check out their actual albums.
I’ll stop this little intro and jump right in…
Track: "The Bleeding"
Album: ”The Way of the Fist”
Year: 2007
Director: Bradley Scott
This video cuts band forth between the band rocking out and a narrative about a couple having problems played by a hot chick (Danielle Harris) and the singer of the band. The band hangs out and Ivan, the singer goes home with a box of what is safe to assume his belongings. We cut to shots of the couple fighting and lots of big emotional drama. It gets really rough and eventually we see that the woman killed herself. The box from the start has her urn in it and he spreads the ashes over their bed. Well that was a pretty bold debut video. The direction and shots are pretty good. It’s got a lot of the normal rock video imagery, but the direction is more inspired and takes some more creative approaches. The live performance shots are especially notable. The acting in the story portion is a little hokey, but it tells the story. It’s not bad at all, but for a 2007 video it might be a little dated. I’m from the era its “dated” for so I’m not too affected but I’m surprised by its style being pushed as contemporary. This would have been popular as hell in 2002.
Rating: 6. 5
Track: "Never Enough"
Album: ”The Way of the Fist”
Year: 2008
Director: Agata Alexander
The band continues to be super serious in their second video as well. This video touches on the façade people put on while doing crazy self-indulgent things on the low. It’s basically when people do really bad things in order to fill some kind of void inside them. A husband cop is a druggie, their mother is a submissive sex addict, and their son is a robber who just killed someone. At the end, after seeing their demons, we see that they are a “normal boring family”. This video is pretty awesome. Mainly because I like seeing hot chicks dance in a rock atmosphere. The song reminds me of Sevendust, respectfully. The story part doesn’t really draw my attention that much. The performance stuff has my attention because of the energy of the band and the quicker cuts. The balance is off. I’d rather have just watched the band do their thing without any side story.
Rating: 7.25
Track: “The Way of the Fist"
Album: ”The Way of the Fist”
Year: 2008
Director: Sxv'Leithan Essex
It’s a futuristic worn down looking location. The band goes ape shit as the song pounds on. The vocals come from behind a cage as there’s cuts to some MMA stuff. Of the couple of videos so far, it’s the hardest song and in my opinion, the best. The bass line is sick and they don’t hold back. I’m hoping there’s more stuff like THIS moving forward. It’s less drama and more just rocking out and being crazy. The performance shots are energetic and the MMA shots are all high impact stuff. It flows nicely and there’s not a point in the video where my attention is elsewhere. I think I’m going ADHD in my old age so that says something. Good stuff.
Rating: 8.25
Track: "Hard to See"
Album: ”War Is the Answer”
Year: 2009
Director: Matt Silverman
I think I’ve heard this song before, which is probably not too far-fetched considering it was a big hit that was part of Rock Band, Guitar Hero, video games, and even on TNA wrestling. I may have heard the song, but the video is new to me. This video explores the deepness of when people go so far into their own world that they can’t see the actual world around them. It’s basically a jab at close-mindedness and what one loses out on when they don’t open up. The video is crazy. It’s shot very well and it’s the best looking and most captivating of the band’s videos so far. The band shots are cool looking and have a yellowing glow to them while the story parts are more green and blue and have a darker vibe. The contrast works. The whole aspect of the band “resurrecting” and going after the evil suits is a bit much, but I liked it. It’s a tongue-in-cheek type of thing that you just have to laugh with, not at. For such an aggressive song, it’s cool to see them not take themselves so seriously. If it’s MEANT to be something where it’s “let’s be bad asses and rock out in our bad ass song” then I’m not too keen on it. But if we’re supposed to be in on the joke then I’m laughing. I’ll go with the positive mentality and appreciate it for what (I think) it is.
Rating: 8.0
Track: "Bad Company"
Album: ”War Is the Answer”
Year: 2010
Director: Zoltan Bathory
The video is a collage of war and military clips. It’s edited nicely and the filter gives it a rustic and harsh vibe, which is suitable for the environment. We get shots of the band interacting on a trip to see the troops and then shots of them rocking out while the troops rock the fuck out. The sentiment is good and the song works perfectly for the message. This kind of video has been done before. There’s not a whole lot here that’s not been seen before. It’s just FFDP’s own twist on it. The cover is good, but again, not very memorable. I mean it’s really all good stuff, but not very memorable to the casual fan or viewer. Respect and all, but I don’t think this video will stick with the fans as much as the actual band and troops that experienced it first-hand.
Rating: 5.5
Track: "Under and Over It"
Album: ”American Capitalist”
Year: 2011
Director: Ethan Emaniquis
This band rocks out in front of flashing lights and tons of theatrics and is then cut. It’s revealed to be a music video where the director tells them he “needs more attitude from the band”. He is then slapped by the lead singer before the band plays again. If that’s “based on a true story” I legit hope the director filed a lawsuit because that macho bullshit is uncalled for. Then I get egg on my face once I realize the narrative. The band then proceeds to rock out in random places and showing off riches and money. It’s mostly a parody of excessive fame that ends with them crashing a plane and safely surviving via parachute. It’s pretty tongue-in-cheek. The visuals rock. I know it’s a joke, but the look of the video is nice stuff. The quick cuts, the direction, the various locations, the hot chicks, and everything is fun to watch. The band brings the energy and seems to be having fun. That translates and makes it a captivating video. It helps that the song is good too. I know it’s a parody, but it’s good. It’s like a more modern metal version of the old “Spacelord” video by Monster Magnet but amped up A LOT.
Rating: 8.75
Track: "Remember Everything"
Album: ”American Capitalist”
Year: 2012
Director: Emile Levisetti
Another serious video. This video showcases a white room where a child draws pictures. He draws his memories growing up and then he gets older as his memories mature into marriage, military, and adult life. Toss in some spaz outs and some fits of rage as he eventually dies. It’s safe to assume the white room is heaven or somewhere in between the afterlife and heaven. It’s a creative way to pretty much say “pay attention, life moves fast”. Isn’t that a paraphrased Ferris Bueller line? The shots are pretty remarkable. The director outdid everything the band has put out so far. The visuals are beautifully put together and are pretty enthralling. It’s the most artistic looking video by far. I’ve fallen in love with movies that don’t look this nice.
Rating: 9.25
Track: "Coming Down"
Album: ”American Capitalist”
Year: 2012
Director: Nick Peterson
This is another super serious video that reminds me of the late 90’s/early 00’s. This is like a really graphic Korn or Papa Roach video. The angsty teens go crazy. One shoots himself in front of his parents and the female has an envelope, pills, and make up. It’s revealed the girl throws up on the mirror and it’s all a big suicide party. The parents read suicide notes, cry, and get all sad about things. We then jump to the lives before the incidents. They were beaten up, bullied, and have normal crappy lives. The video showcased the “real” stuff with violence and edgy language. I’m all for suicide prevention and have personal horrors that deal with it, but this video was just tacky and tawdry. If one was suicidal, and I’ve been there and felt the wrath first hand, this video would not make anyone feel better. The effort is appreciated, but this video seems a little sketchy. Other bands have pulled off the sentiment much smoother and more engaging. It’s shot really well and is pretty intense, but it doesn’t paint any pictures that haven’t been dry for years. It’s not a video to watch and enjoy. Instead it’s a “watch this and learn” video. The only thing learned is that suicide happens and shouldn’t. I’m afraid it’ll draw more teens to the darker side than help. Teens and depressed people don’t think clearly. If one was mad at their parents and wanted to ruin their lives this video would show just how badly parents would be affected by this. I’m SURE that’s not what anyone wants, but it’s just putting a spotlight on a bad thing without really saying how bad it is. Why not show it and then show the family and the friends for years to come? That’s where the real pain harbors. Not the sudden impact or the lead up.
Rating: 6.5
Track: "The Pride"
Album: ”American Capitalist”
Year: 2012
Director: Ethan Emaniquis
It’s a live video. Zoltan, the guitar player explained the song meaning is "You can be a zebra or join the lion pride. You have to rebel against your circumstances, laziness and mediocrity — not the system." The description is interesting and would have been a cool narrative video if done with that kind of metaphor. The video is energetic as hell. We see the fans waiting, the band getting ready and then some great live performance shots. The camera roams around all over, the angles and cuts rock, and it’s one of the best live metal videos I’ve seen in a LONG time. I think if you’re into this kind of metal then this is a live show you really need to hit up. This kind of stuff puts these guys on my “must see” list. Whenever they get close to Chicago again, I’ll try to make it out. Love the energy.
Rating: 7.5
Track: "Battle Born "
Album: ”The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 2”
Year: 2013
Director: Emile Levisetti
It’s a live video with some candid stuff mixed in. The band is quickly becoming one of the biggest road dog metal bands out there. They’re on the road 10 months a year and are tearing it up. The video shows them rocking out, meeting with fans, hanging out, getting ready for shows, coming down from shows, and just doing what they do. It’s well done and it’s got a lot of really great shots. The pits are INSANE looking and I think this probably captures the band better than 99% of the live metal videos out there. I don’t know really anything about this band, but this video makes me like them and want to hang out with them. Mission accomplished.
Rating: 9.0
Track: "House of the Rising Sun"
Album: ”The Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell, Volume 2”
Year: 2014
Director: Brian Neal, Zoltan Bathory
What a bad ass video. The roadser car does donuts in the desert until we cut to the band going crazy and hanging out with a whole bunch of hot chicks. It’s like a Mad Max military type of thing with tons of partying. They pass out and wake up for a meeting with some guys in a suits. They make a deal and head out as the song kicks in. It’s a really sweet cover that gives the original even more bass and balls, which you wouldn’t think was possible. The dudes play cards and have a good time. It’s all fun and games until some violence goes down. It’s pretty much a no bullshit environment. Have fun, rock out, and do your thing. BUT if “your thing” is being an asshole you are dealt with. The video is great looking. It’s like a mini-movie. Being the most recent, it’s cool to see they’ve grown and evolved as musicians and video makers as well.
Rating: 8.5
What is YOUR favorite Five Finger Death Punch video?