When you really love music you REALLY love it. You take in as much as you can. You know the words to every song you hear. You appreciate the little nuances of the random live versions of songs you know better than most of your family. You love the journey and emotions the music takes from you. It’s part of who you are and what you look for in life. Sometimes you want to rock, sometimes you want to bounce with a beat, sometimes you want to relax, explore your inner thoughts, fix a broken heart, or just get stupid. When you REALLY love music it’s always there for you.
During your music loving life you encounter tons of different things. Some stuff sticks to your soul, some stuff comes and goes to become a novelty that you and friends laugh at while singing along with years later, some stuff sucks and you just hate on it or just ignore it. It’s all part of the experience.
What about the music that everyone else REALLY loves but you don’t? For some great reason we all have differently tuned ears. We enjoy and appreciate different music and connect to different artists.
There are iconic artists, popular artists and extremely successful bands that YOU and I don’t like. For whatever reason a billion people will love the hell out of something and one guy won’t. That doesn’t automatically mean they’re “trying to be different” or a “hater”. It could just mean that specific sound of music or artist doesn’t captivate one’s ears and soul the same way.
There is music that I just never got. I can see why people like them, but I never connected to it. It’s not just the fly by night trendy bands or genres of music that I don’t like in general.
Today I’m going to expose myself a bit. I’m going to admit to “not getting” the hoopla or mass love for some artists that YOU probably LOVE. I’m not talking about stuff like Nickelback or things that obviously suck and are appreciated by one really strange demographic. I’m talking about the big time acts who people love across the board and just accept as “great”. There could be many reasons as to why this happens. Maybe it’s just not for me, maybe someone I didn’t like liked something and ruined the appeal, maybe I don’t like the artist so I don’t want to give the music a chance, or maybe I just think something is overrated nonsense that people only like because they’re raised to do so. There are tons of irrational, valid and random reasons.
You can like these bands and love them all you want. Sorry, I just don’t.
Let me explain why and what I prefer instead…
(Not even including country music as a whole!)
Artist:] Skrillex
Genre:] EDM (Electronic Dummy Makers)
What I Don’t Get:] Robot farts with a little bit of a rave beat is music now?
Suitable Replacement:] Industrial Rock/Metal & Moby
Skrillex makes really cool electronic music and looks like if Millhouse from The Simpsons decided to go as Jonathan Davis for Halloween. What I’ve heard has a fun beat to it, but in the end it’s just a bunch of electronic noise with beeps, scratches, drones, and smashes. I came up really liking Industrial rock, but there seemed to be some sort of effort at presenting an artistic medium to people. EDM is techno for ADHD robots. It’s rave music for people who like to dress up like the hackers from the movie hackers. It’s like the vampires from Blade that CAN be exposed to sun light, but insist on staying in their parents basement until it’s time to dress up like human Power Gloves and go out and take some “Molly”. Times were much simpler when kids would wear rave clothes and pop an ecstasy tab. I could see Skrillex being awesome at making remixes or scoring a bad action movie, but people are pushing the whole “EDM” scene like it’s something… at all! It’s become cosplay for the drum and bass crowd. That’s not even a big problem with me. It’s the lack of depth and actual substance to his music. It’s one night stand music because there is no possible way to really “connect” or be captivated by this music on any real non-diluted sense. It’s all pulse and no soul.
Artist:] Blink 182/Fall Out Boy
Genre:] Tattle-Rock
What I Don’t Get:] How the same voice can make so many bad song.
Suitable Replacement:]
I'm pretty sure it was Jonah Ray from The Nerdist podcast to call this kind of music "tattle rock". I can't think of any better way to describe this stuff. It sounds like a little kid tattling on someone. In the early part of the millennium these bands ruled the music world. They had nothing to say and they all sounded exactly the same. It was an army of whiney voices putting pop punk in all our ears. From there was emo and from there was the end of rock and roll. I'm not saying tattle rock killed rock and roll, but it most likely held its head under water a bit too long. It was the first baby steps towards the end of what was good about rock. The edge, the rebellion, the balls, and the party were over and replaced with whiney pop rock. Instead of fighting the world these guys tattled on it. Blink 182 and Fall Out Boy are the same band. I know not literally, but it's the same formula and same weakness. A whole generation became disconnected from any signs of conviction. I'm not denying they have talent or skills, they certainly do, but they never evolved. Dudes in their late 20's sounding like they're telling your mom on you for getting a bad grade is not rock. Some stuff was catchy and okay, but I'll never get how so many impressionable young people got hooked into the Hot Topic rock. If this "scene" was an "arms race" then it was the rock and roll Hiroshima. Does that offend you kids? Waaaa. (Please don't tell my mom on me!)
Artist:] Taylor Swift
Genre:] Prissy Pop and Modern Country
What I Don’t Get:] Where her soul is!
Suitable Replacement:] Adelle, Alanis, etc.
A few years ago I wrote a column about how I didn’t think Taylor Swift had any soul, was disposable, and would NOT be as famous today if it weren’t for the Kanye West incident. This lead to one of her people, I believe her publicist, to reach out to me. After spending over surreal twenty minutes on the phone with this nice woman it was clear that I hit a nerve. While I did learn that she writes her own stuff, the rest was a big push at how nice she is. I was told she’s nice to her fans and bought her parents a new house. I was told she was on magazine covers and famous before the Kanye West incident. I was told a lot of things. All because a dude in his mid-20’s wrote a blog and posted it online. I still feel like it was a big elaborate prank, but it wasn’t. I can honestly say that my opinion of her has not changed. She might be a really nice and cool chick, but I don’t see any soul in her. She has a “deer in headlights” look whenever I see her, on any platform. Her music, despite attempts of showing her “attitude” in a few big performances, lacks anything captivating or engaging. She’s a pretty smile that parents are comfortable with their little girls listening to. The content of her music has not evolved. There are other singers and performers out there who have substance, unique style, and edge to them. Some are even more attractive and marketable. I don’t know her and she’s not my cup of tea thus I still can’t see how or why people get behind her. The better alternatives to listening to Taylor Swift are endless. She’s probably cool to hang out with and awesome to everyone around her. That might make her likeable and marketable, but that doesn’t translate to good music.
Artist:] Rihanna
Genre:] Pop
What I Don’t Get:] Her musical appeal.
Suitable Replacement:] Adelle, Beyonce, Lorde,
I’ve never got Rihanna. Her music sounds the same and, even for pop music, sounds really artificial. While Skrillex will blatantly sound artificial and get away with it because people accept it’s “EDM”, Rihanna’s voice is so produced that she might as well be one of the “boom-smash-screech” effects that “DJs” are putting out there as music. I used to make the joke “Rihanna sounds like a Jamaican robot” and years later I don’t have to touch that joke. She moans a little more, but nothing about her as changed. She has not evolved as an artist at all, but people keep going back to her for “deep and insightful” music. Her voice just sucks, but the well-crafted music and genius producers really hide this fact. Plus she’s “hot”! I can’t remember the last time I read an article that proclaimed “oh shit! Rihanna sung the shit out of that sound!” But I can remember TONS of times where it’s “Rihanna posts nude pictures on social media” or “Rihanna comments on (random pop culture event here)”. There’s the Chris Brown bullshit too, which was horrible, but sadly a big reason people outside of the fans of her specific genre know about her. Taylor Swift blew up because of Kanye interrupting her and Rihanna got mainstream eyes because of the horrible Chris Brown incident. I KNOW she was successful before then, but my parents, mainstream media and A LOT of people did not give a shit until some douche bag pop dancer raised his hand to her. I listen to A LOT of music. I’ve not gone out of my way to check out any of her albums but I hear her singles and radio spots. She’s getting a lot of “love” because of her guest spots in singing the same sentence over and over again on more talented and creative people’s singles. If Rihanna didn’t throw provocative pictures out there and jump on pop culture bandwagons I don’t think she’d get any attention. She’s not my cup of tea, but Beyonce is a better singer, performer and dancer. Adelle has more soul in her morning eye crusties. Lorde has already showcased more creativity and seems to have nailed the same monotone delivery. When she’s trying to be “provocative” it comes off really forced. Gaga does it better. I really don’t see why people get behind her. Other than her looks.
Artist:] Lil Wayne
Genre:] Hip Hop
What I Don’t Get:] How the hologram of TuPac hasn’t shot him yet.
Suitable Replacement:] Any other hip hop
I honestly can’t tell you one Lil Wayne song that I’ve appreciated or enjoyed. His image is cool. He has tattoos, cool hair, and looks like a gangsta version of a Muppet. He is entertaining in interviews and his antics are amusing. He’s like the hip hop version of Justin Bieber but he at least has a body of work to explain his acceptance into the music community. His raps feel sloppy and uninspired. Maybe I’m just missing the mark here, but there are obviously better rappers and hip hop artists out there. The only thing I can figure is that people like him because of the image he’s marketing. To my ears he sounds like a guy who’s mumbling his way through a cold. He’s probably fun as hell to hang out with though.
Artist:] Justin Bieber
Genre:] TMZ Pop
What I Don’t Get:] What has he done to be famous?
Suitable Replacement:] Puberty and Netflix
Just because I don't like a certain type of music or an artist doesn't mean I'm not aware of their singles, their videos and overall artistic presence. I'm not a country music fan for instance, but I know there's country music out there. Outside of the really bad "Baby" single from like four years ago I have no legitimate proof that Justin Bieber is in the music industry. Dude has more documentaries to tout his "talents" than actual accomplishments. He is nothing more than a Canadian little boy who was groomed to make little girls move into puberty quicker than necessary. He offers the world nothing more than a distraction from their own lives. The misguided hair do that is Bieber acts like a spoiled brat trying waaaay too hard to be hard while the rest of the world takes this opportunity to bitch about him. He acts out so the TMZ and celeb followers in return get to complain about him and try to get him deported and shit like that. He's not going to change because a middle aged woman in Omaha is "outraged" and that middle age woman's life is not going to be any different one way or another. So he's pretty much an empty pretty face serving as a distraction for people who need to be distracted. He brings nothing to the table other than that. What else does he offer? What artistic contribution has he made? Unless being a celebrity is considered "art" now, and it probably is to too many people, I don't see any real reason for anyone to be a fan of or care about Bieber at all.
Artist:] The Black Eyed Peas
Genre:] Parody Hip Hop/Pop
What I Don’t Get:] How they got away with it for so long!
Suitable Replacement:] The Fugees
A friend of mine likes to always bring up that he met and saw the Black Eyed Peas BEFORE they added Fergie. The Black Eyed Peas have made some fun pop singles with hip hop undertones. The image and way they present themselves is as if they’re a parody of hip hop music. It’s hard to see this group as anything more than a fabricated boy band with rhythm. Will.I.Am has proven himself to be a good producer and talent, but when he brings his talents to the Peas it’s as if he’s just clowning around and putting on a show. There is nothing wrong with that, but the level of success and praise this group gets is beyond ridiculous. If you want a worthwhile hip hop ensemble with male and female representation then you should pick up old Fugee albums or even Arrested Development, the group AND the show. They shouldn’t even record their music anymore. It’s party music for people who suck at partying. They should write it and then directly send it to KID BOPZ.
Artist:] Mumford & Sons
Genre:] Ho-Hey shoeless beard rock
What I Don’t Get:] Where the edge of rock and roll went
Suitable Replacement:] Testicles
This whole “hipster folk rock” movement blows my mind. “Ho-hum” indie bands from ten years ago have evolved into shoeless “ho-hey” traditionalist. These bands all have similar sounds. It’s rock with banjos, ukulele, accordions, and probably even jugs to blow in. It’s like mountain people got wifi and decided to trim their beards, put on their sister’s jeans, and buy really expensive “vintage” clothing to fill out the image. I’m all for hippy music and a chill approach, but there’s nothing here but “awe-shucks” type of music. Mumford and Sons, The Lumineers, and the such all have the same thing going on. It’s like vegan rock or something. I’m not a monster though. Occasionally I’ll hear a pleasant and catchy melody and hum along or enjoy it. It’s just I don’t get how this is THE MUSIC of the moment right now. How these bands are winning awards, headlining big shows and selling so much is a bummer. Not because of the bands because I can’t hate on them for embracing the success, but it’s a bummer because it makes you realize we’re not being given any other options anymore. THIS is “rock music” now. I’ve not eaten red meat in over four years, but this music makes me want to go bite the nearest living cow.
Artist:] My Morning Jacket
Genre:] Yawn Rock
What I Don’t Get:] The cult following.
Suitable Replacement:] Sleeping pills
I’ve gone back to the well on this band more than a few times. The dudes in the band seem really cool and I want to like them. As people they seem like okay guys. I just can’t get into their music and I have a hard time finding the mass appeal. The stripped down rock sound they put out just never did anything for me. With there being so many other good rock bands out there I don’t know how people are so easy to get excited about My Morning Jacket’s work. Is the fact they’re such cool guys make their music better? Seriously. What am I missing here?
Artist:] Madonna
Genre:] Pop
What I Don’t Get:] How she stayed relevant.
Suitable Replacement:] Cindy Lauper, Whitney Houston, Adulthood
Madonna struck it hot in the 80s. She came onto the scene and offered something fresh, something enjoyable, and something genuine. Her old hits were classics but she is the exact opposite of fine wine. She gets worse with age. Every few years she puts out a new album and in what always feels desperate, gets “controversial” and “in your face”. It’s like she takes on whatever current pop culture taboo is in the media and try to capitalize on it. Her message is clear. It’s not “express yourself”, it’s “look at me! I’m pushing obvious buttons to get a rise out of people”. She has started to remind me of Cher in terms of what she releases. Her diehard fans will continue to support her, which is cool, but I really don’t get how anyone is buying into her obvious attempts at staying relevant. She had the musical talent to pull it off, but you have to start wondering if she believes in herself. If she did she wouldn’t need to use all of these tactics to get her name in the press.
Artist:] Sublime
Genre:] White Boy Reggae
What I Don’t Get:] The hidden messages that hypnotize girls.
Suitable Replacement:] Bob Marley, Incubus
A bunch of California kids without a worry in the world made some white boy reggae rock in the 90s. They had some catchy tunes and did some good stuff. But every girl over the age of 20 and under the age of 40 think they’re special because they sing along to the same four radio hits whenever they come on. I can seriously think of about ten girls I’ve known that will bust out their painful singing chops to harmonize with Sublime. The hype is in mass abundance. It’s what a friend would call “bon fire rock” where white kids in sandals and more hemp accessories than necessary sit around and sing to. I remember there was a this guy at a telemarketing job I had in the early 00’s that would bring his guitar to work and start strumming a few chords of Sublime during break to try to bait chicks into singing. It was actually a smooth play, but he didn’t have the skills to ever close the deal on any of these unsuspecting women. Ironically, it was like musical date rape because once the song faded I’m sure the girl wakes up from her Sublime daze and wonders why the fuck she’s within arms distance of this douche with the cheap acoustic. THAT is what comes to mind when I think about Sublime. Then they come back and attempt to replace the lead singer with someone else. After a legal issue it becomes “Sublime… with Rome!” Imagine how much better the world would have been if it were “Van Halen… with Sammy Hagar!” It basically lets us know it’s “Sublime… with bills to pay!” Maybe they SHOULD have practiced sanitaria. Practice makes perfect… right?!
Artist:] Johnny Cash
Genre:] Country Rock
What I Don’t Get:] His most notable audience couldn’t leave.
Suitable Replacement:] Willie Nelson, Hank Williams
The people who are big die hard Johnny Cash fans are the ones who don’t get it. Cash made some good songs, but I think its overly-macho-take-no-shit character that people are drawn to. He’s like the duller, more abusive and aggressive Elvis. He’s a larger than life personality who has pictures where he holds up a middle finger and looks like he’s going to back hand someone. The people who I’ve encountered are people who are wannabe bad asses with not much of substance to say. Out of nowhere a few years back these black T-shirts with white text “CASH” on them. It’s not a cool shirt and it’s a good sign that someone isn’t cool when you see them wearing it. Odds are they have tattoos they regret and have a substance abuse problem. You see it’s not Johnny Cash that I don’t get. He’s just an old timer dude with a voice full of bass and machismo who put out about a half dozen huge hits. He did some acting and in the end was a respectable dude. He was who he was. His fans under the age of 40, the ones I’ve encountered, are scared little people who wear this strange “Johnny Cash is my hero” badge of douche honor. You are NOTHING like Johnny Cash. Cash would have held that iconic middle finger up to YOU. If you want music of his style give Hank Sr. and Jr. a listen, try out Willie Nelson, and give ol’ Merle a shot. They have much more “life to their work and don’t need a faux-macho shtick to appreciate them. Stupid people… ruining Johnny Cash!
Artist:] Bob Dylan
Genre:] Mumble-Folk
What I Don’t Get:] What is he saying?!
Suitable Replacement:] Audible Music, Velvet Underground
Bob Dylan’s best song is a song that Jimi Hendrix made a great cover of and took control of. I never got the love for Dylan. He mumbles, he’s an old folk rock guy who apparently wrote really “astute” stuff. No he didn’t. He made music that a bunch of beat-nicks liked and then made others feel ignorant for not liking. Those people got insecure and just started going along with it and telling others that Dylan is great. Those people then had kids and told their kids the same thing. Those kids told their friends and made them feel ignorant for not liking it as well. Then it just spread and spread… like the Outbreak monkey from that one movie that I think was called “The monkey who caused an outbreak!” That made more sense than anything Dylan put out there. If that’s not enough he seemed like a pretentious dick based on the stuff I’ve seen and read about the guy. He gave shit to the Andy Warhol crowd when at least they were attempting to openly create pop art. Meanwhile his stuff is as commercial as they come. “Like a Rolling Stone”? It’s like he wrote that in the 60s while envisioning how to sell oversized SUVs to yuppies. True story: Back in the early 00’s a friend’s truck was broken into in a parking lot on campus of a pretty famous Northwest Indiana college. These assholes stole his CD player and all of the CDs he had in his car, some I even burnt for him myself. He comes to find out they left one CD, his Bob Dylan. They took the time to go through his CDs and despite taking EVERYTHING didn’t want to take the CD of the massively dull and overrated Bob Dylan. Why? Because Bob Dylan is so crappy that criminals will risk the extra moments of being seen so they’d not take the chance of being caught stealing a Bob Dylan CD.
Artist:] KISS
Genre:] Cartoon Rock
What I Don’t Get:] The Kiss Army.
Suitable Replacement:] Ear plugs
I don’t know where I heard it, but a wise man once proclaimed “I wanna rock and roll all night and PART of everyday”. I know that’s NOT the lyric, but it’s a much more responsible way of rocking. You don’t even have to work or put on a suit during the rest of the allotted day. Get some sleep, take some vitamins, watch some TV and veg out. If you “rock and roll ALL night and party every day” you’re eventually going to burn out and wear yourself down the point where you start looking like Gene Simmons without the make-up. The bad joke I’m making is about the only Kiss song I half-way respect and that’s mostly because the bad joke amuses me. This band made really poppy arena rock and put on a show. I’m sure they were great performers in the 60s or 70s, but it looks really lame in today’s world. I was born in the early 80s and I’ve never had a point in my life where I thought Kiss were “cool”. As I grew older the people who loved Kiss always rubbed me the wrong way and seemed a little dimmer than the rest of us. At one very pivotal and “no shit” moment I understood the fact that Kiss was not a group of musical entertainers. I realized that Kiss is a company made to milk dumb people out of their money. The same way a “bubble gum pop act” would have contrived lyrics and actions to get little girls to get their parents to spend money is the same way Kiss goes after their fan base. There is no music substance at all. It’s like a parody of rock and roll that took a really evil and greedy turn. If the Kiss Army were a real army, I’d definitely be a draft dodger.
Artist:] The Pixies
Genre:] Indie Rock
What I Don’t Get:] The cool-kid enthusiasm.
Suitable Replacement:] Nirvana, R.E.M.
I was tricked into thinking The Pixies were great. I DO like a few of their songs, especially “Where Is My Mind” from Fight Club. After those few songs it all starts to sound the same to me. I can hear the talent within the band, but a lot of it just sort of drones together. It’s not even that the band is super hyped anymore because I rarely read anyone randomly bringing them up anymore. For a while there it was a pre-hipster hipster standard to proclaim you LOVE The Pixies. I never got the hype of these fine folks though. I know they’re considered to be influences to many bands, but most of those bands took that influence and pumped some life into them. They had this “too cool for school” vibe going but when you sit down with their discography and listen from album to album, which I have, it gets tiresome pretty quickly. I’d much rather take in other indie darlings from back in the day like R.E.M or other iconic alt-rock bands like Nirvana. I know those bands are more “mainstream” than The Pixies, but it’s not because they “sold out” or were more “commercial”. It was because they were better.
Artist:] Bruce Springsteen
Genre:] America Jersey Rock
What I Don’t Get:] How anyone thinks he’s a good writer!
Suitable Replacement:] John “Cougar” Mellencamp
Bruce seems like a cool guy and I’d probably enjoy having a beer with the man. That doesn’t mean I have to like his music. Outside of “Born in the USA”, none of his work really stands out to me. It seems like there’s a very specific age group and east coast demographic. People who wear jean jackets and complain about farmers getting the shaft but refuse to buy that organic hippy shit. It just all sounds the same. I’ve listened to full albums and taken in “the boss” at different times in my life. I just never connected and never really got the big appeal. People talk about Springsteen as if he created empowered tough guys with feelings. He’d get into a bar fight, bloody his knuckles, and then go to his ladies apartment in a drunken stupor to only find out she’s sleeping with someone else. Then he’d go outside her window and scream in rage while the rain comes down as the cops pick him up. But he knows the cops because they went to grade school together so they just take him home and say “Oh! Micky you gotta get yo’ shit togethah! Next time I gotta book ya!” But we know how this ends. He gets the girl back and the old friend cop never books him because he’s from “da old neighborhood”. Sadly, I visualize this made up story as how every single Springsteen fan spends their Tuesday night. Let’s just hope the factory doesn’t lay ol’Micky off again. Then there’s weird insecure father issues and random punch dancing. Ugh. If I want my Americana, I’m going with Johnny “Cougar” Mellencamp. To me, the Indiana boy is a much better story teller and singer.
Artist:] The Beatles
Genre:] Pop Rock and Stuff.
What I Don’t Get:] The hype.
Suitable Replacement:] The Rolling Stones, Elvis, Beach Boys
The Beatles are considered the "greatest band of all time" by more people than any other band. They have made timeless music that has been loved by generations. Not by me though. I'd be a dick if I didn't respect the band and acknowledge their impact on music and pop culture in general. That said, they are the most overrated entity since God herself. See what I did there? I’m sure that offends Beatle fans more than Christians, fun enough. People who are super fans of the Beatles have blinders on to avoid this fact. Did they put out some great songs? Sure. Did they put out some bad fluffy pop stuff too? Hell yeah! The Beatles early stuff is simplistic nonsense that people try to convince themselves is insightful and deep. "I wanna hold your hand"? Seriously? You can put any kind of pretentious Biblical amazement on that old trite shit but it's nothing more than a boy band pop lyric. "I am the walrus"? Oooh so trippy and "great". Pink Floyd did it better and more convincing. Of course this is the point where the Beatle twats chime in with "if the Beatles didn't take a shit first then NO ONE could have taken a shit! They invented taking a shit!" like it's a Bible verse being spouted off by that one annoying pushy Facebook friend or those fine folks who knock on your door and leave pamphlets when you decide watching infomercials is more important than engaging in the same questions about the Earth's mortality. Ironically enough the answer to such question is "Tomorrow Never Knows", from the bands best work. "Revolver" IS a great album, but there is other music out there just as good, if not better. To me the Rolling Stones, Elvis, and possibly even the Beach Boys have had just as much impact and put out just as much quality music into the world. The Beatles didn't invent the wheel, they stole it from old black blues acts just like the others. When it comes down to it, music opinion and taste is subjective. The problem I really have here is the hype. People are raised on The Beatles the same way they’re raised on Disney movies or whatever sport team is nearest to them. It’s not “good” or even reasonable; it’s just being in a certain place at a certain time or whatever your parents exposed you to. My parents didn’t shove The Beatles down my throat or Disney movies. Instead they raised me on using my own ears and deciding what I personally like or not. This didn’t always lead to the coolest music or the most popular. Hell, some of it is downright embarrassing in retrospective. The difference is that I’m not treating John Lennon like he could have walked on water. No one can walk on water. No one. If there was twitter and the internet around during the Beatles heyday you can bet your ass that Lennon would be treated and mocked WAY more than Bono, a guy who can be obnoxious at times that also actually puts in the leg work to help those he rallies behind. Lennon would have occupied Wall Street, not a protestor but as a corporation. The Beatles is a brand, a religion, held on a ridiculous status, and plenty other things. All listed and regarded much higher than their actual body of work. Just grow up and listen to The Rolling Stones. You’ll get the same dose of stolen blues rock, but with balls and real rock and roll. The Beatles are the Walmart, the McDonalds, or the Coca-Cola of music. If you think that is a good thing then your Beatle blinders are still functioning fine. Congrats!
What famous and successful artist do YOU not “get” that everyone else seems to love?