Over the past year or so I've seen a lot of people express the same opinions over and over again. I'd say about 20% of the people saying it really mean it and the other 80% are just jumping on the trend wagon because it's what's considered "hip" and "now." There's some opinion trends I agree with, but there's a lot that just reeks of "look at me! I know what I'm talking about and I'm cooler than you". I love music, but damn. You got to be open minded about these things or you'll miss out on a lot of quality music out there. Music elitist and college music nerds...I'm calling you out!
Gnarls Barkley
Everyone was very into "Crazy" this past year. It was an awesome song, and easily last summer's version of "Hey Ya!" I dug the hit single to the point of getting the rest of the album. While I loved their cover of "Gone Daddy Gone" and the album it quickly lost its luster and hasn't made its way back to my media player or CD player. I got burnt out on "Crazy" because I watch the music television stations and listen to the radio. I was looking forward to "Gone Daddy Gone" making a big splash and becoming a hit single, but that didn't happen and it barely got any airplay on TV or in my area's radio stations. While I'm VERY curious about the future works of Mouse and Lo, so far Gnarls Barkley is a one hit wonder. That can change easily with the next album, but as of now I wish people would stop treating them like the second coming.
The Dresden Dolls
I love Amanda and Brian, but the recent Dresden Dolls album was nothing compared to their self titled or even "A is for Accident." Sure it was good and had some great tracks, but if you've been following them longer than just 2006 you'd know that the best tracks on the CD have been part of their live shows for quite some time. While everyone was on the sack of The White Stripes a few years ago (I dig them too), I was rocking "Half Jack" and minding my own business. If you look around on that new invention the internet a little you'll find a great video of Amanda and Brian dressing up like The White Stripes and performing and playing "My Doorbell" leaps and bounds better than the original. I'm cool with their rise in popularity, but this falls into the category of "Big Trend with Cheese and a side order of credibility."
Justin Timberlake
He's got talent and is awesome at what he does. Repeat. Justin Timberlake, former member of boyband N'Sync has A LOT of talent and is awesome at what he does. I am so annoyed by the close minded bullshit that comes a long with Timberlake and fans outside of the pop realm. If you put down your Pabst Blue Ribbon long enough to give his music a chance you'll at least be able to hear that he's nothing like his pop peers and *gasp* you may even enjoy it. I'm not talking about the "Sexy back" song, but the rest of the album. If you like old school Michael Jackson, Prince, or even David Bowie's more poppy stuff you MIGHT enjoy this album, but at least you'll respect it. I'm not even a fan of pop music in the least bit, but this album took me by surprise and I'll continue to defend it to those who belong to the narrow minded masses.
The Metal Scene is horrible
I've been to a few of the mainstream and undergroundish concerts this past year. I've checked out myspace pages of the so called top acts. I've even watched Headbanger's Ball to see what's going on in the world of metal. Let me tell you, it's a HUGE let down. Not only do all these bands look the same in their T-shirts and jeans, but they all sound the same. There's pretty much two types of metal that I've heard these days. A lot of "growl, growl, growl" or "growl, pretentious harmonizing, growl" is what I've heard. I'm very cool with loud abrasive music, but I'm a bigger fan of melody and being unique. I could be wrong on this and am open to bands I may not have gotten to hear. If you know of a new metal band (outside of Chicago's own Fashion Bomb) that's not growlers that look like they left their warehouse job PLEASE let me know.
Fergie is lame
The rapping style is lifted directly from Gwen, an established ROCKSTAR. She pees herself and there's pictures out there to prove it from MORE THAN ONE OCCASION. She seriously claimed that her "voice" is a gift from God and that if you talk bad about her music you are insulting God! Yes! She said that! A statement like that is gotta be why so many people are listing "Atheist" or "Agnostic" as their religion on Myspace these days. And here I thought it was just a trend. I can honestly say that I do NOT find her attractive and she's only good when she's backing up Will.I.Am and the rest of the Black Eye crew.
Kevin Federline is an okay guy
I know what you're thinking, "This guy just lost any credibility he had," but hear me out. I am NOT talking about his music. That shit is like nails on a chalkboard. I want to know what heterosexual male wouldn't want to bang Brittney and freeload off her money? If any one of us had the chance we'd do it. He's not classy, he's not talented, and I'm sure he's not even a nice person, but he serves his purpose. We all hate him for whatever reason and it unites us all. In a world where we all fight over the most inane subjects and our wacky beliefs we can all get together when given the chance and rip this guy to shreds. For that reason, I think he's an okay guy.
Indie Music is worse than emo.
The Fray can suck my right nut, the Decemberist are boring and bland, and I hate The Postal Service. If you want mellow music check out some of the Pink Floyd collection or even some classical music. The state of indie music has gotten so pussified that it makes the emo kids look like cock rock fans. I can understand the appeal for the college radio loved type of music, but give me a break. No matter how you butter it, there is no substance to this music. It's emotional bullshit lyrics sang in a whinny voice that's meant to get wanna be boho hipsters moist in the pants.
Arena Rock is dead.
There's really no musical group out there that's relevant that can consider themselves "arena rock." Not saying that KISS, Bon Jovi, or the likes don't have their place in history, but it's just that "history." I couldn't see The White Stripes, Jay Z, or anyone else that's considered top draws having a true stage show that's fit for an arena. Not saying they can't sell out arenas, but the true "arena rock" is dead. If only The Darkness had stayed together...
Music in 2006 sucked!
In past years I could tell you the awesome albums that came out within those 365 days. In 2006 I can barely count albums that I even sorta liked on my two hands. There's something wrong with that. Something very very wroooong with that! In 2007 we have a bit more to look forward to. When I say "we," I specifically mean "I." I'm looking forward to the new NIN, new Saul Williams, new Queens of the Stone Age, new Bauhaus, and a lot more. Hopefully we all have something to feel a lot stronger about in 2007 because as of now we're all just waiting for that next big thing.