In the past a "nerd" or a "geek" would be considered a negative term to describe a "brainy outcast". But with movies like "Revenge of the Nerds" and the overall evolution of acceptance, a "nerd" should no longer be taken as an insult. Sure in the playgrounds it's fair game, but once you get to be a certain age you just have to roll with the punches and take things and people for who they are. Some people enjoy sports, some enjoy art, some enjoy science, math, music, etc.
The old adage of what a "nerd" or "geek" is/was has been the traditional black rimmed glasses, button up shirt with pocket protector, and an unawareness of style. They do their own thing. They go deep into their area of interest and have no retorts in expressing their passion for it. There's no harm in that, in fact many of my favorite musicians are nerds. RZA of the Wu Tang Clan is a huge chess advocate. He considers the game to be almost "battle" like in terms of strategy and competition. The dude is the Ric Flair of hip hop chess players. He has literally held the title belt in the Hip Hop Chess Federation. He even created a website for Wu fans to play chess online. Ain't Nuttin Ta "Rook" Wit.
"Bobby Digital" isn't the only musician that has a little "nerd" in them.
Here's a look at my top 10 favorite nerd rockers:
Nerds: They Might Be Giants
Resume: Educational Children Rock & TV Themes
I don't know much about "They Might Be Giants", but what I do know is that these dudes provide hours of education to their listeners. There's no drugs, violence, or sexual content here. It's all about science, robots, kids songs, and television shows. Their work is probably most commonly associated with being the guys who did the theme song for FOX's "Malcolm In The Middle", "The Daily Show", "The Oblongs", and about a dozen more shows on TV. So basically, they get to collect fat royalty checks from these projects while they spread the good word of educational topics. In many ways, their music is breeding a whole new generation of little nerds ready to be your future bosses and upper class tax bracket.
Nerd: Thomas Dolby
Resume: Creator of the Essential Science Song
"She BLINDED ME!.... WITH SCIENCE!" Do I need say more?
Nerds: Weezer
Resume: Head Nerds of the 90's
Yeah, the "look" is there and their first really big single was a classic homage to Buddy Holly, but it doesn't end there at all. Have you heard "In the Garage"? The song brings up Dungeons and Dragons. Yeah, the same D&D that even a high majority of self aware nerds point and laugh at. To each their own, I suppose. Some day Rivers Cuomo is going to release his sci-fi rock opera and odds are good that our minds will probably be bloooooooown.
Nerd: Elvis Costello
Resume: The Cool Nerd (Buddy Holly v2.0?)
On an Swedish TV show, Costello admitted to being a nerd. "I am rock and roll's Scrabble champion". He's often considered the modern resurrection of Buddy Holly, the "Woody Allen of rock", and just flat out one cool guy. I've never really gotten too far into his music, but from what I heard I can easily hear the influence and nerd style there. He's smart, sarcastic, and has a unique style. Now a day, you'll hear someone bring up the black rimmed glasses as something Costello brought up but WE know better. Right? Right. Before all of this, he was a computer programmer. The dude is like a couple 100 sided dice away from being the nerdiest cool guy ever.
Nerd: Huey Lewis
Resume: Kinda "Hip", but only because he's kinda "Square".
I love me some Huey Lewis. I really do. To the point that I named my fantasy football team of three years "HUEY LEWIS & THE NEWS". Imagine the typical "I'm witty and obscure" team names like "Nacho Mas Poopy" or the "I'm a bad ass even when pretending" team name like "Macho Mas Meany" losing to "Huey Lewis & The News". It's like insult to injury. There's not much "nerd" to Huey Lewis. He's kind of a normal guy bordering on "dweeb", but just for the simple fact that he made "It's Hip to Be Square" is good enough. Even if he's not really a "nerd", he supports the cause. Good on him.
Nerd: Buddy Holly
Resume: The Original
In utter respect and complete honesty, Buddy Holly was the Rosa Parks of "Nerdom." Everyone from Keith Richards, Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, to The Beatles cite this man as an influence. That's not just a music influence either. John Lennon mused Holly as influence to wear glasses and even Elton John rocked Holly-like glasses for the longest time. I mean, really. The black rimmed glasses and just about every aspect of being a "nerd" is present when talking about the total package that was Buddy Holly. He owned that shit and set the nerd standard. Without him, this topic wouldn't even exist. I acknowledge that and respect the man immensely, but I just never connected with his music as much as I probably should have.
Nerd: Brian May
Resume: Astrophysicist Author
The strings behind "Queen" is known by millions as a modern rock icon and is respected by pretty much everyone worth getting respect from in music. His work with "Queen" is amazing and his thumbprint will always have its place in music history. Regardless of the accolades, Mr. May is a nerd of the highest level. He's got a PhD in astrophysics and has such a passion for the field that he has written a book specifically on the "Big Bang" theory. He doesn't hide this fact, it's just not as known as I'd honestly think it should be. A fact like this adds even more mystique and charm to the man's legend. Top this off with the fact that be built his first guitar and still uses the homemade beast to this day. This makes me think though, when Mercury sings "Fat bottom girls you make the rockin' world go round" that somehow and some way Brian May has in fact confirmed this theory.
Nerd: Devo
Resume: Surreal, SciFi, and New Wave Synth
There's not much to say here. Devo is pretty damn nerdy, but nerdy goodness nonetheless. Their brand of pop-punk synth rock can make you dance your ass off, but on a chill day it'll also give you a deeply warped perspective of the world. "Devo", short for "de-evolution", shows us just how mindless we can be as a mass of people. Just listen to the song "Beautiful World". It's a fun, bouncy, and kind of dopey song that shifts tones with the simple use of "for YOU…. Not me!". I know the video above is standard fare for when discussing the band, but if you gave Devo a real listen you'd be able to pick up on the sarcasm and social consciousness/disgust these fun loving "nerds" have in them.
Nerd: Weird Al Yankovic
Resume: Accordion Playing Parody Genius
Yankovic was a smart kid. He started school earlier and finished sooner than the majority of children in the US. "My classmates seemed to think I was some kind of rocket scientist so I was labeled a nerd early on," he recalls. He would go on to be the valedictorian of his graduating class at the age of sixteen. While balancing his studies he kicked his career off by sending Dr. Demento homemade tapes. From there it's history. It's hard to believe he has three Grammys, four certified gold records, and SIX platinum records in the US alone. Then to top those amazing stats off, he didn't even get his first top ten album and single until the recent "Straight Outta Lynwood" which featured the popular "White & Nerdy" track.
Nerd: David Byrne
Resume: Art Nerd Cyclist
True Story. I recently linked a friend of mine an old Talking Heads "Psycho Killer" performance in which he commented that they look like "computer programmers." That didn't change the fact that the Talking Heads and even specifically David Byrne rock the socks off many of those who listen to their brand of new wave pop punk rock. This hardcore cyclist advocate rocks the button down and has the appearance of an eccentric nerd. He has the "look", but he's also been scoring ballet and some pretty nerdy film projects. I remember recently seeing that he was built a giant piano/music instrument out of an abandoned ferry terminal. He took this old building and rigged the entire place, the pipes, pillars, walls, and all, to an electronic organ. When a man can rock out a "building" in a literal sense then by god, the dude's a nerd. That's a main reason I appreciate his work. He's "out there" as someone with talent and class can be, all in the name of art and expression. Sometimes out of nowhere, Byrne will bust out a silly costume to mix things up, but when my opinion comes down to it Byrne is king nerd. We need a hundred more just like him and the world will be that much of a cooler and nerdier place.
Who are your favorite nerds in music?