Female Rockstars of the 1990's
"The Real Women of Modern Rock"
If you were alive in the 1990's and are old enough to enjoy the music we were given then you'll probably remember a few of these names.
Nina Persson (The Cardigans)
I remember The Cardigans being a fun and light band fronted by Nina Persson. To be completely fair, I don't know any other Cardigan song outside of "My Favourite Game" and "Lovefool". Still, those were both huge tracks at the time. When I was playing a heel in indie wrestling I was very tempted to use "Lovefool". It would of generated a lot of heat in the shows in my head.
Alanis Morissette
I'm not embarrassed to admit that I still think "Jagged Little Pill" is a great album. In fact, I'm all for an Alanis comeback to the mainstream. There, I said it. "You Oughta Know", "Ironic", and "Head Over Feet" are all great songs in any categorical context you're discussing. At the time of her rise to fame, I was in junior high so listening to her was taboo. As time went on, my appreciation for her and her lyrics specifically has grown. If you're doubting me, check out her Unplugged album and tell me she's not awesome.
Gwen Stefani (No Doubt)
If you don't know who No Doubt is then you're too young to be reading my column. Seriously, I know it's unorthodox to say, but click out right now. Better yet, do your homework. Write the lyrics to "I'm Just A Girl" and "Don't Speak" in your spiral notebook 10 times each. You WILL lose points for discussing and bringing up "Hey Baby".
Nina Gordon (Veruca Salt)
Before the band went crazy and full dissolved in 1998, they represented Chicago like royalty. Named after the rich girl from "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory", they were a bit more gritty and ballsier than most male fronted bands at the time. In a short time of being together they put out singles like "Volcano", which if you've heard it once you'll never forget, "Seether", and "Shutterbug". The band would dissolve except for one member who took it upon himself to carry the band on with completely new members. That can't work, can it? Someone get Axl Rose on the line.
Tori Amos
Sure he's a musical prodigy and a lot of her lyrics make men hate themselves, but you can't hold that against her. Her emotions flow out with every performance and track I've heard of hers. Sure music is made for people to connect to and "feel", but Tori is special in that regard. It's almost hard to listen sometimes.
Shirley Manson (Garbage)
Tracks like "Stupid Girl" and "Paranoid" made Garbage one of the most popular bands of the 90's. They weren't getting like Nirvana or boy band type of love, but their discography is as good as most bands that lasted as long as they did. Garbage has been on hiatus for awhile, but has started working on their fifth album in 2008. If it's anything like the older stuff, the blandness of a Paramore and Flyleaf will be viciously exposed once Manson and the band produce their music of substance.
And of course there is Courtney Love, Fiona Apple, Björk, P.J. Harvey, L7, 4 Non Blondes, and other awesome female fronted acts from the time that I could ramble about as well, but there's only so much time in a day.
What are some of YOUR favorite female singers of the 90's?
Next week, I'll cover the Grandmothers of Rock.
It'll be a lot less creepy than it sounds.