"Fuck tha police. Comin straight from the underground" - NWA
Those were the first words I can remember hearing about music being from the "underground". Granted, I'm not sure if it's meant as a political statement referring to the underground railroad or if it's just flat out "underground music". None the less, I heard those words and then from there underground music took off in my life.
For those not in the know, "underground" is music that has developed its own cult following despite not having mainstream success or financial backing. It could be something that's a bit more abrasive than what is currently out there for a specific genre or it could even just be a term used for a genre that's not on the mainstream radar at all.
Some underground performers embrace it. They're happy playing in front of a few hundred people, hustling their own shit, and not being a house hold name. They'll be the kings of the underground forever. They'll be around forever and continue to play to the same crowd night in and night out. If they are content with that, then rock on for them. Other bands that are considered "underground" are there in sort of a purgatorial manner. They are only considered "underground" until someone with the right sense pushes them into the mainstream. Then when this happens some of their old school fans can get all riled up about it and say they're "sell outs". To music snobs of any genre once a band "blows up" and builds their fan base, plays bigger venues, and reaches their goals and dreams then all of a sudden they are "sell outs". They are no longer "underground" and now are considered to be "mainstream".
Now my question is if "underground music" is underground because of all reasons it's defined by or is it because it's just not worthy of being mainstream. All the off the wall shit, vulgar language, and unique qualities that an underground artist may have isn't really THAT bad on the larger spectrum of things.
Look at artists like NWA, Marilyn Manson, Eminem, Public Enemy, and others. They are house hold names to music fans and non-music fans alike. Each of them has their own point of interest for the conservatives to criticize and get their panties in a tangle about. Still, their music, image, and whatever else defines these artists STILL broke through. They left their underground status behind and made it into the homes of millions across the globe. Sure there are some, but is EVERY musician to break out a "sell out" or not as "edgy" or "hip" as they once were?
We can't blame radio or TV network for what is considered "mainstream". You have to blame yourselves. Sure you're a hip music snob who "knows" what's real and what's bullshit. Sure you're not to blame because you still shop at that cool indie CD store three towns away. And sure you're innocent because you don't even listen to the radio. You're way too cool for that! You're still stuck in 1997 as you still make "MTV doesn't play music anymore" arguments. So of course you're not to blame. No way! Not you!
A million people buy these CDs from the artists you complain about. It's the general public (You're SO not part of that! No Way!) that decide what they like and dislike. Granted if they show any interest in something the powers that be will push it down our collective throats, it's still ultimately the consumer's choice. These mainstream loving sheep have no idea what they're missing, right? That's why they're paying to go to concerts, get merch, and basically spoon feed networks advertising money based on their appearances (You're not going to watch though! Not you!).
How do you know what you're rebelling against if you're shutting yourself off from the outside world? From what I know and see, it seems the majority of "underground" advocates are only using it as a gimmick or calling card. The artist couldn't achieve that dream of performing in arenas, selling a million albums, and being a house hold name so they capitalize on the impressionable. It's almost a paradox as it's the impressionable ones who want to be "different" from the rest. These people take in a lifestyle and mentality to the point where they're more sheep than the "different" they had originally wanted.
Sure the mainstream may suck at times, but there are plenty of underground acts that blow just as hard. Should we let the "underground" artist get a pass because they're not as big as the others? Classified genres, stereotypes, and niche marketing is great when you want to just attract a certain crowd, but what about everyone else. Do these "underground" artists intentionally isolate themselves from bigger and arguably better things? To me it seems more like a comp out. The underground scene isn't really an elitist group because they accept the misfit type of person who wants to fit in somewhere.
It's been said that any true artist wants their work to be seen by as many eyes as possible. I'm only saying that we should listen a little harder to the underground. Odds are it'll just stay underground or it'll be the next wave of mainstream. Most likely if it's any good we'll know about it soon enough.
Who are some "underground" artists you think will break out?