It's very cowardly to assault someone when their attention is elsewhere. It's NEVER appropriate to attack a band or performer as they're on stage. Over the years there's been some very scary situations and sadly even deadly when it comes to fans getting on stage while a concert is going on. Today I'm going to cover some random video clips of fans throwing stuff at the performers and even getting on stage and getting physical. It sucks because 99.9% of the crowd is there to enjoy themselves and these .01%'ers ruin it for the rest of us.
Fan With Lighter vs. Trent Reznor
I was at this show in Grand Rapids, MI. It was a very long drive to get there and a long wait in line outside in the blistering cold of February in Michigan. The set was about four songs from being done when Trent performed "Hurt". The arena was vivid with lighters being lit all over as the roar of the crowd sang along to the very personal and emotional lyrics. Then some douche throws a lighter at the stage. It reportedly hit Trent in the mouth. Trent then pushes the keyboard down and walks off stage. That was all she wrote for the show. We didn't get the "Head Like a Hole" closing or even a "Starfuckers" for that matter. Trent was pissed and the show was over. I still don't regret the long trip to this show, but I'm sure the guy who threw it does because I believe the pit crowd destroyed the asshole.
Portugal vs. Nickelback
I think most music fans with properly tuned ears already hate Nickelback. Does that mean they deserve a festival crowd to throw rocks and bottles at them? That's questionable, but probably not. This was apparently only the second song into their set, but the fans and Nickelback had enough. Chad Kroger and the band stop playing as Chad goes off on the crowd like an angry father, takes his ball, and goes home. I can understand where they were coming from, but I find some mild form of twisted enjoyment from this video. Rocks and water bottles being thrown at a performer is very insulting, but still.. It's Nickelback. Take a hint, Nickelback! Stop sucking and you won't have a whole country against you.
The Orange Bowl vs. Ashlee Simpson
I could of went with the lip syncing fiasco from SNL, but this one made me laugh out loud. I won't even comment on Ashlee Simpson's singing here. You can watch and listen for yourself. Her voice cracks worse than Peter Brady trying to bust out a "Time For Change" verse. The fans don't physically attack her, but the chorus of a stadium booing her is probably soul crushing. Muhahahahahahaha!
Toronto Fan vs. Noel Gallagher
This happened in Toronto last year at V-Fest. I'm not an Oasis fan, but this one is scary. A fan somehow gets on stage and gives Noel Gallagher a pounce to the ground. The security team was right on it and took him down, luckily and rightfully.
Security vs. Kurt Cobain
This is obviously a vintage clip from one of the old shows. What basically happens is that Cobain jumps into the crowd with his guitar and the security seems to latch on to him and doesn't let him move freely. As the guard pulls Kurt in, Kurt starts swinging at him and even hitting him in the head with his guitar. Once Cobain is back on stage, the Security slugs him in the head and then kicks him while he's down. Cobain should not of hit the dude with his guitar. This one seems to be a huge case of a communication error, but I could be wrong. It's cool to see Kris jump right in and stop the madness as Dave looks like a lost child at the county fair on Monster Truck night.
Argentina vs. Axel Rose
It all starts off good. Then Axel CALLS FOR THE INTERPRETER! Holy shit! Axel Rose has AN INTERPRETER berate the crowd for throwing stuff on stage. This happens AGAIN! Axel brings out the interpreter and seems to calmly try to rationalize with the fans to not throw things at the stage so no one gets hurt. The end of the video is silly, but I like this one. Axel is known for jumping off stage and being a huge dick, but in this case the guy played it right and it sorta came off as classy. I think in reality, Rose was just trying to hook up with the attractive interpreter. What better way to impress her than to give her some stage time?
Fan vs. Maynard James Keenan of Tool
I actually used to have this clip on my computer from the old Kazaa days. The band is playing "Push It" and rocking it out, until a fan rushes on stage. Maynard does NOT MISS A NOTE as he takes the fan down and puts him in a choke hold. This al happens while the music continues and Maynard SINGS AS HE CHOKES THE GUY OUT. He then proceeds to pound on the guy as he sits on top of the fallen and what appears to be CRYING fan. Maynard is THE MAN here for like nine different reasons.
What kind of fan attack stories do you have from your own experiences?