Now that we've all gotten use to writing "2008" on things and made it to April it has really hit me that time flies when you're older. A quarter of the year has come and gone. We've had a Superbowl, a Wrestlemania, and the Major League Baseball season has begun. Before you know it, we'll be entering summer.
Summer means a few things for us music fans. First of all, we get to hit the outdoor venues. This means the bigger festival and "co-headliner" tours that make up probably 75% of all of my favorite concert experiences. In the past I've been to Ozzfests, Sprite Liquid Fests, Project Revolutions, Chicago Radio Festivals, and plenty more. I've wanted to go to, but am not cool enough for Bonnaroo (Led Zeppelin Reunion? Ha!), Coachella, or even the close by Lollapalooza. There are a few concerts coming up this summer that have been announced that have gotten my attention already.
For like TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS(I wish I were exaggerating) you can get a three day pass to Lollapalooza, It's three days in Chicago, I think August 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and always has big rumored headliners.
Why?:There's two sets of rumors for this years Lollapalooza. One is that Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails will headline and that's enough for me to pawn my parents and get an IOU out for my first born. Then there's another rumor that has Rage Against The Machine and Wilco headlining and I'm not even sure if I'd go to that one for free. I loved Rage, but after seeing their less than impressive performance in Wisconsin this past summer I don't want to see them. It's purely in fear that they'll have another off performance and tarnish their music with me. Wilco isn't my cup of tea. Yet, if these two rumors were combined with NIN, Radiohead, and Rage being the top billed artists then please remember that my 25th Birthday falls on August 1st and you know where I should be. Perry, if you or your people are reading this… make this happen. Please?
As of press time it's been announced that Ozzy will headline. I could of sworn they announced the line up around this time last year.
Why?: Ozzfest is the one show that all metal bands would kill to be on. Its mainstage has brought the likes of Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, and many other iconic figures to cities and towns across the country. Still, the second stage gets just as much attention because it's normally the launching pad for many of the todays top acts. I don't want to over value the Ozzfest Second Stage, but it's somewhat comparable as the metal equivalent to the Apollo stage for hip hop and R&B. If you know music, you know that's no joke.
Rockstar Mayhem Tour
Somehow they're going to have three stages and cram the likes of Slipknot, Disturbed, and Mastadon into one awesome metal show.
Why?: It's three stages so off the bat it's like they're wanting to have a pissing contest with Ozzfest. The line up is pretty impressive, but nothing too big. It's sorta like the late 90's/early 00's Ozzfest Second Stagers have grown up and made their own Ozzfest and added some more recent Second stagers to give it a "current" feel. Outside of maybe 3 bands of the 15 bands or so announced are all smaller club venue bands. Putting them all together sorta waters things down a little because you know they'll mostly all be back within the next few months. Still, I'd go if it were reasonably priced. I have a soft spot for late 90's/early 00's metal as it was during my High School years. Is it weird that Disturbed and Slipknot is my hair metal of the 80's or emo of the now? I really wish Sevendust wouldn't drop off this tour and the rumored Mudvayne was true. Ah well, hopefully they have more of these in years to come.
And what will all of these bands be touring for? Of course it'll be to travel the world as they entertain their fans, but realistically they'll be pushing something. They'll be touring "in support of" their latest album, Greatest Hits Collection, or in some cases the revival of their career. So this means that a lot of albums will be coming out right about now and within the next few weeks. These bands will most likely take the new music or just the singles from these new albums out on the road. This is nothing new. Many of the greatest bands of all time have used this formula in one shape of another. There are a few albums that I'm looking forward to and some that I know will probably be a hit no matter how little I enjoy their music.
"if" by Mindless Self Indulgence
Release Date: April 29th, 2008
This is MSI's follow up to "You'll Rebel Against Anything". The band has been on the rise with recent single releases and hitting shows over seas. This album will also be released on "The End" Records as opposed to a Metropolis release as many MSI fans have grown used to.
Why?: Some songs like "Bomb This Track" and "Uncle" are all songs that avid fans know already, but there's still some original and never released material on this album. With the current rise in their status, this might be the album to push them over the "underground" cliff into the pits of the mainstream. They have a great cult following that continues to grow and grow. MSI never disappoints me, but I'm fearful that this album might be the last one I'll be able to fully enjoy. I'm getting old and I don't know if I want to go to shows with 14 year old boys in drag. Then again, no matter what age I am that's not something I want to partake in. If you've not heard of Mindless Self Indulgence yet or have, but haven't given them a chance due to their fans annoying you take my word for it. Give them a chance. I say it a lot, but MSI puts on the most energetic live show that I've ever seen. Drink the kool-aid and embrace your inner slut.
TBA by Queen
Release Date: August 12th, 2008 or September 1st, 2008
It'll be the first album in many years, but with Paul Rodgers instead of the departed Freddie Mercury.
Why?: I hate to be a dick, but I almost hope this fails. Roger Taylor and Brian May were very important parts to Queen, but the deceased Mercury and retired John Decan were just as important. This isn't Queen in the least bit. I think all that involved with this project are talented and hope they do well, but why call themselves "Queen". It's a blatant use of a legitimate and earned legacy for a new project. It would be Velvet Revolver calling themselves "Guns and Roses", it just doesn't work for me.
"Detox" by Dr. Dre
Release Date: TBA, 2008
It's been forever since Dre has released an album. He is consistent and always brings innovation and cutting edge masterpieces to the masses.
Why?: It's Dr. Dre! He's responsible for some of the top artists and biggest hip hop anthems ever made. Do I need to say more? I don't think I do.
"The Black Parade is Dead" by My Chemical Romance
Release Date: June 24th, 2008
It's the follow up to successful vomit-inducing "The Black Parade".
Why?: Don't! Don't participate in this monstrosity they're trying to claim as fresh, unique, and acceptable music. It's nothing more than Sum 41-like pop-punk, but with the gimmicks that made the likes of Bowie, Cooper, and Manson famous. I must apologize to Sum 41 for comparing them to MCR because they at least seem to be themselves as opposed to Hot Topic hand jobbers. It sorta makes me embarrassed to be a music fan when choads like this are what is considered "now". And before anyone calls me close minded, I gave them a fair chance. At first it was kind of catchy and fun, but stripping away the eyeliner, Torrid clearance clothes, and whiney vocals is very easy. Once you do that, you're left with a much uninspired band of poseurs and frauds.
"Viva la Vida" by Coldplay
Release Date: June 17th, 2008
Remember Coldplay? They were what was "in" before Maroon 5 and whatever is now. You know the whole "Yellow" song and how Chris Martin and that chick from The Royal Tenebaums had a kid named "Apple". Then Seth Rogen said the famous words in "The 40 Year Old Virgin", "You know how I know you're gay?... You listen to Coldplay".
Why?: I like U2 and am waiting for their next album. Coldplay REALLY likes U2 and tends to "borrow" "a little" from them. I won't put up a front about it, I sorta dig Coldplay. I'm not gay, but their songs are sorta catchy and are doing no harm to my ears. It's not a band that I'd buy tickets to see or a shirt to wear in public, but to say they don't have a place in music would be lame. Don't be lame. Lets all be cool about it. It's the "ohs" so let's give it a chance. If it sucks we'll mock it and if it's good we'll enjoy it until someone up and decides we should mock them. Pop culture has it's evil lurking eye on you, Chris Martin. Don't screw it up or Maroon 5 will get all of the easy listening radio time.
"No, Virginia" by The Dresden Dolls
Release Date: May 20th, 2008
A follow up to "Yes, Virginia" with B-Sides, Rarities, and some New versions of old songs.
Why?: Really? I love me some Dresden Dolls and am wearing one of their shirts as I type this, but really? The self titled album was great and I liked "Yes, Virginia", but is it really right to put out a B-Sides album so soon in their career. I would think another new LP would be released before anything. They have two LPs out, how many B-Sides can there be? Ugh. One hope that a few people I've talked to have had is that they'll release a studio version of their "Life on Mars" Bowie cover. The thing is is that I already have this track from the Bowie Tribute CD that came out a few years back with them, Fashion Bomb, and others on it. I'm not saying I'm not excited about it, but it's just a weird situation for them to release something like this after only two real CDs.
So there you have it. There is plenty to be looking forward to this summer. I only touched base on a few things I am anticipating so I'm SURE I've missed some relevant and important releases and shows.