On April 20th, 2010 the Kottonmouth Kings will be releasing their eleventh studio album Long Live The Kings. This time out they added Dirtball to the group, a huge source of some of the undergrounds recent hits. With Dirtball on board, the group continues to evolve and push their message of weed, love, life, and good times.
The 4/20 release date is not a coincidence. For years KmK have been advocates for smoking and legalizing marijuana. In this exclusive interview, we ask Daddy X of the Kottonmouth Kings the hard hitting questions about weed.
1.) Mikey MiGo: So, how's that glaucoma?
Daddy X: I can't remember? Dazed and confused!
2.) Mikey MiGo: Let's start this off with the question of questions: Joint, Blunt, or Bowl?
Daddy X: By any means necessary I prefer the old communal way of rolling a joint and passing it around the circle with good friends.
3.) Mikey MiGo: What does "420" mean to you?
Daddy X: 420 means it time to fire it up! It represents the universal code for blazing the herb. It also represents the peoples will & free choice...
4.) Mikey MiGo: Do you think smokers really need an excuse to smoke when there's already enough reasons around them?
Daddy X: There is always a good reason to fire it up. Good times, bad times, before sex, after sex, before eating, after eating, before sleep, waking up…You get the picture.
5.) Mikey MiGo: On average, how much weed does the band go through a day?
Daddy X: When we are in full touring mode with band and crew (12 people), I would say a ounce a day.
6.) Mikey MiGo: Do you smoke more on tour or off tour?
Daddy X: I smoke more off tour (due to throat and voice issues), the rest of the band: it doesn't matter where they are.
7.) Mikey MiGo: What areas of the country have the best weed?
Daddy X: The West Coast; California, Oregon, Washington; has the best weed. I would say that over the years the weed has gotten better across the country.
8.) Mikey MiGo: How do you handle when fans offer you subpar weed? Stay polite or up the ante?
Daddy X: We have some weed snobs in the band that take it as a insult to be offered subpar weed. I never look a gift horse in the mouth. I appreciate the gesture that someone wants to share their stash with me.
9.) Mikey MiGo: Many smokers have some form of smoking routine for their daily habits. How do you enjoy your first toke of the day?
Daddy X: First high of the day is always the best. You spend the rest of the day chasing the elusive first tokes.
10.) Mikey MiGo: What was the first album you remember getting high to?
Daddy X: Led Zeppelin and The Doors in my brother's car.
11.) Mikey MiGo: How young is too young to smoking weed?
Daddy X: It is my personal opinion; to get any positive benefits from the herb you should be fully developed. For some people that happens at 16 or 17 years old, others 18 to 24 years. Also weed is a powerful plant that does not work for everybody. Some people get negative reactions from smoking marijuana.
12.) Mikey MiGo: Is there such a thing as "too high" and if so what's your worst "too high" experience?
Daddy X: I have been too high on numerous occasions. Other friends claim there is no such thing as too high. I can remember one time up in Vancouver some guy gave me a pot brownie. About a hour after consumption I felt like I was on twenty hits of bad acid!! We had a show that night. Let's just say not too many words were coming out. The world was in slow motion. I stayed high the entire next day!!
13.) Mikey MiGo: Who rolls the blunts/joints the quickest of the group?
Daddy X: The guys use the vaporizer and bongs primarily, as far as joint rolling Johnny Richter is the master!!
14.) Mikey MiGo: Dirt or Hydroponics?
Daddy X: If the grower knows what they are doing either. Seems like hydro is the most potent…
15.) Mikey MiGo: Gravity bong or water bong?
Daddy X: Gravity bong is a lot of work and a lot of fun… for everyday use I would say water bong!
16.) Mikey MiGo: Best stoner movie?
Daddy X: Half Baked.
17.) Mikey MiGo: Best classic rock stoner?
Daddy X: I will say Jerry Garcia and Willie Nelson.
18.) Mikey MiGo: As much as you guys smoke do you even put clips on roaches or even save roaches at all for that matter?
Daddy X: My dad taught me to put the joint on a clip and never leave a roach… smoke it ‘til its dust!!
19.) Mikey MiGo: You're on a deserted island with just weed and a lighter. What do you use to smoke out of?
Daddy X: I have smoked out of a sea shell pipe, a coconut and bamboo chalice. Nature provides all the solutions.
20.) Mikey MiGo: If you could smoke up with any celebrity living or dead, who would it be?
Daddy X: John Lennon!!
21.) Mikey MiGo: Is there any other weed smoking bands or artists out there that you see and think, "Damn, these dudes/this dude smokes A LOT of weed?"
Daddy X: I would say Cypress Hill and Snoop Dogg. I want to party with the Black Crowes.
22.) Mikey MiGo: You've headlined Cannabis Cup and have not only been on the cover of "High Times" but named "High Times Band of the Year". Are there any stoner dreams left?
Daddy X: We want to live to see MARIJUANA LEGALIZED!! And of course we want to play the victory party!!
23.) Mikey MiGo: In November, California had the bill for legalization on the table. Obviously you, me, and most of the people reading this is all for it. What do you think the honest odds are that'll happen?
Daddy X: I have not read the initiative in detail, but if California passed medicinal marijuana I think the odds are good. The will of the people will prevail. We have a black president, let's get a green country!!
24.) Mikey MiGo: What is the most common lie you hear about marijuana smokers?
Daddy X: They are lazy degenerates... I know so many professional people, doctors, lawyers, teachers etc., that prefer to cannabis over liquor. LEGALIZE FREEDOM!
25.) Mikey MiGo: KmK has recently added long time friend and label-mate "The Dirtball" into the band and recorded with Tech N9ne and ICP for your eleventh album, "Long Live The Kings". How does the addition of Dirtball add freshness to the group and what was it like working with Tech and ICP again?
Daddy X: I felt we needed to infuse some new energy into the kings. DIRTBALL WAS THE PERFECT FIT. He is a lyrical monster and a great guy. It would have been easy to put it in cruise control and just milk KmK for the money. Fuck that, if we are gonna do this I want to keep pushing ourselves to expand and grow. We also did tracks with TECH9 & ICP, the other underground superpowers; i t was awesome to work with both groups again…
26.) Mikey MiGo: What's the message of "Long Live The Kings"?
Daddy X: Turn it up, Burn it up, and Have a damn good time!!
27.) Mikey MiGo: If your fans are down to their last ten bucks and have a choice between the new album and a dime bag, what do you honestly suggest they pick up?
Daddy X: Now days ten dollars worth of weed will be gone in five minutes!! Long Live The Kings will last a lifetime!! Also you can pick up LLK at Best Buy for $7.99, so that is a no brainer!!
28.) Mikey MiGo: What is the best cure to cotton mouth?
Daddy X: Fruit juice or water.
KmK's DADDY X's TOP TEN SMOKING SONGSHuge thanks to Daddy X of the Kottonmouth Kings for taking the time to answer the questions. On your way to the store to pick up Long Live The Kings we have an unofficial playlist to listen to. Daddy X was kind enough to provide us with his personal picks for the top ten smoking songs.
10.)"Indo Smoke" by Warren G & Mista Grimm
9.)"Bad Fish" by Sublime
8.)"Pack Your Bowls" by Kottonmouth Kings
7.)"Kaya" by Bob Marley
6.)"Zephyr Song" by Red Hot Chili Peppers
5.)"Free Fallin" by Tom Petty
4.)"Peaceful Easy Feeling" by The Eagles
3.)"Flashlight" by Parliment
2.)"Collie Man" by Slightly Stoopid
1.)"Rest of My Life" by Kottonmouth Kings