The fascination with super powers can really be traced back to the beginning of civilization as we know it. I won't go "there", but if you're getting what I'm saying about a certain historical figure then you get it. The point is that we, as normal humans, hold this idea of figures with superhuman abilities or "powers" will save us from our troubles and fight any evil villain that comes around. In the early part of the last century, people started to draw out these "superhuman" characters out in a form that children would relate to and enjoy. Thus, the "Superhero" was born.
The modern superhero has evolved into something pretty big in the grand scheme of pop culture. They are making movie after movie. Merchandising can be seen everywhere. It's part of the American lexicon and probably will be for a lot longer. Sometimes it leads the phenomenon and sometimes it merely joins in. In this case, the world of music has joined in.
Yes, this is a Top Seven list. But I had enough trouble thinking of superhero related songs to think of ALL of them. So odds are there's songs in my own list that'd be replaced by others if they'd of came to me as of writing this list out. So if I miss anything, sorry. Feel free to share your favorites/Top whatever list as well. We'll all compare notes and discuss.
#7) "Spider-Man" by The Ramones
It's the traditional Spiderman song, but done by The Ramones! I remember the video more than the cartoon at the time. The video is cheap animation and works perfectly for the band. It's a fun and catchy song and is my Number 7!
#6) "Waitin For a Superman" by The Flaming Lips
I've seen live versions of the song with opening horns and tone that is pretty weird and down tempo. This one is a bit more composed. It's from the point of view of wanting a Superman to come and save the day as things are getting rough. Probably one of the most beautiful tracks I've come across by The Flaming Lips.
#5) "Superman" by REM
I think my first time really hearing this song was on an episode of The Simpsons. It's just a good song. It's one of the old REM classics that I tend to sleep on a lot of the time. The chorus of "I am… I am… Superman. And I know what's happening. I am… I am… Superman. And I can do anything" is probably one of the most frequented lines of an REM song that sticks in my head.
#4) "Flash's Theme" by Queen
"Flash! Ahhh Aaaaah!" It's from the cult classic "Flash Gordon" phenomenon. The character hasn't been done its proper justice on film, but who the hell else has a theme song specifically made for them by Queen?! No one else, that's who! If there was ever a song made to be a montage song, this song is it. The song is almost a parody of itself. You have to appreciate the fact that one of the greatest bands of all time can actually put something out there like this.
#3) "Ninja Rap" by Vanilla Ice
You can call this pick lame, but it's my list and I'm going with it. Not because it's necessarily a good song, because it's pretty bad. It's because of nostalgia of knowing the words and sadly the dance to this song as a child. The song is performed by Ice during a dancing fight scene in part 2 "Secrets of the Ooze". This one is also fun to randomly reference with friends.
#2) "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath
Yeah, I include the asterisk because I know that this song is REALLY not inspired by the superhero, but I have to include it. I just have to. Growing up, I did associate the song with the character. With a built-in theme song that just so happens to be one of the most known songs probably EVER, things just work. The geniuses at Marvel started up their ad campaign for the recent Iron Man movie by cranking up this song and letting the attention of the world be rocked.
#1) "Batdance" by Prince
What can I say? I love me some Prince. This song is so horrible that you can't help but enjoy it. It stands out in the first Tim Burton movie like a sore thumb and is ridiculously over the top. But that's what Burton gets for trying to work with Prince. You don't tell Prince what to do; you pray to the purple skies and hope he answers. Burton didn't do any praying evidentially and we ended up with what I consider to be my favorite superhero song of all time.
So yeah, I missed some and am probably considered crazy by my personal tastes.