We're all perverts. The level of our perversions is what separates us "normal" folk from the "S&M" crowd. It's human nature for us to be attracted to the opposite or same sex. The key here is "attraction". One of the main causes of attraction is curiosity. We all know what curiosity did to the cat, so beware!
What musician sex tapes were you curious about and let down with? I can honestly say all of them. I think once the curiosity is gone so is the glamour and attraction. They almost lose their identity and become "normal" people. The news, websites, magazines, and even newspapers are now obsessed with nip slips, up skirts, and the flat out careless and insane. This has snowballed to celebrities PURPOSELY showing skin and having "mishaps" in order to get more attention. Because remember, attention equals curiosity and curiosity equals "attraction".
After you take the artistic integrity, heart, and passion from this thing we call "music", it comes down to those who make it being nothing more than entertainers. There's nothing wrong with that and entertainment can still have impact and positive effects on culture. But those who entertain on a larger scale are without a doubt celebrities. We pay attention to who's dating who, who's having a breakdown, who's fighting with who. It's all one big melting pot of curiosity. We're attracted.
That attraction is yearned for by all celebrities. They might not want TMZ hanging outside their house, but they want to be known and heard. Minor celebrities or those who crave it more will take a video camera into the bed room with them and film it. It gets released and they get more attention. In some cases, a musician will go the route of a "party animal" where they film them having sex "for fun". Then when this tape is magically "stolen" and released under the hyperbole of being "unauthorized" it's "edgy, hip, and controversial". Either way, you're filming yourself in the rawest way possible. You know what you're in for.
Today I'm going to take a look at some of the most known and probably most unknown (for a reason) sex tapes out there. I'm sure there are more, but excuse me for not being fluent in trash.
MUSICIAN: TOMMY LEE (w/Pam Anderson)
FAMOUS FOR: Drumming for a hair metal band
The first really big sex tape that I can remember is Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee. If you're old enough to remember the hoopla around this one then you know how big this was. I think EVERYONE saw this one sometime within the next few years after it was released in 1998. Pam Anderson was at about her peek here and probably mainly because of this sex tape. Tommy Lee would go on to gain more success and still be the loveable goofball that we've all grown used to.
MUSICIAN: FRED DURST (w/Unknown Woman)
FAMOUS FOR: Doing it all for the nookie…
The angle they ran with here was that someone found the file on his computer while repairing it and "leaked" it onto the internet. This is sorta lame because it's Fred Durst. If anyone could have used some attention to get back into the limelight, it's Durst. He's a shell of a joke that lost its meaning come the beginning of the decade. He's a three album wonder and that's pretty much the extent of things. He was pop for about 5 or 6 years, which is more than many of us could dream of. He knows this. Why wouldn't he sink to the "oops! They released a FILE ON A COMPUTER OF ME HAVING SEX! Look at me! I still have sex" level. You HAVE heard his music, right?
MUSICIAN: R KELLY (w/ Girl of Questionable Age)
FAMOUS FOR: Believing he can fly all while being trapped in the closet.
I remember when this drama first came to surface back like five or six years ago. Being so close to Chicago, I had people around me claiming they knew the girl in the tape or even in some cases that a friend of a friend saw it. I never did. After hearing what was on it, with the whole peeing on a young girl, I didn't have any curiosity at all. That's just not my cup of tea or my idea of sanitation. Now still being so close to Chicago, we get updates on the trial surrounding this just about everyday on the local news. This is a situation of just bad taste and stupidity. If he were "into" younger girls I don't think he'd take the chance of risking EVERYTHING to get it on film. My thought on this is that he didn't know and she probably lied. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. Even back then he was a pretty well known celebrity and would it shock anyone to find out an underage girl would seduce him? Remember Aaliyah?
FAMOUS FOR: Hanging out with sluts on Rock of Love
Before he was a VH1 whore, he was the lead singer of Poison. Before she was a Baywatch whore, she was a Playboy playmate and rock groupie. This was apparently taped back in the day, but wasn't officially released until 2005. It pretty much hit the internet weeks after the Tommy Lee tape got TONS of attention. Someone in Poison was trying to ride Motley Crue's coattails? Nooooo waaaaay!
MUSICIAN: RAY J (w/Kim Kardashian)
FAMOUS FOR: He's Brandi's little brother!
I remember when this first was "leaked". I was living comfortably under a rock and not knowing anything about this Kim Kardashian. Heavenly ass aside, she was a nobody. She was in the same pointless boat that Paris, Lindsay, and others float along in. Then again, that's a bigger and better boat than where Ray J was. I am a fan of hip hop and R&B and have no appreciation for Ray J. I always get him confused with "Roger" from "Sister, Sister". Yeah, the guy from "Immature", so what does that say? I hope her family is proud and that she thinks everyday about the fact that she got famous because Brandi's little brother screwed her on camera. Before then, she was just another "pretty face" and now… same thing, but more TMZ coverage. What happened to Ray J? Nothing at all. I sorta feel bad for the guy, but not really. He DID have sex with Kim Kardashian. Even if that's not your cup of tea you can't deny why others would find her appealing.
FAMOUS FOR: Being an American Badass/Taking us higher
Around the time of their career peaks in 1999, the rapper/rocker Kid Rock and the former singer of Creed got together and had sex with four groupies. It was supposed to be released in 2006, but Kid Rock and one of the women involved got it blocked from release. Rock went on to call Stapp an "idiot" for the tape getting "leaked". My verdict here is that Stapp was in the same boat as Durst. He wanted the attention and "oh no! my sex tape got released!" was his evil plan. He forgot that Kid Rock has a little bit of integrity left and wouldn't go for it. Who'd want to be associated with a sex tape with the lead singer of Creed? Besides Scott Stapp? Yeah. No one.
There's Paris Hilton, Chyna, and even Screech tapes out there. But on the music front this is about it. There's a rumored tape of Jessica Sierra of "American Idol" and trainwreck on "Celebrity Rehab" fame being released soon. Woo Hoo. There's been rumors of Meg White, Brittney Spears, and even Jimi Hendrix slapping skins on film. Will more musician sex tapes be released? For sure. Who will it be? That's either going to be reaaaally obvious or completely out of left field. For the celebrities sake, I hope they check the ID of their partner and keep their defecation fetishes to themselves.