We all love them because they make great music that either touches our lives, makes us rock out, or both. Still these are normal people and have to do something with their times when they're not on stage. Musicians are people too; people with disposable incomes and the ability to have weird hobbies. Some times these hobbies would be careers or dreams for other people. But for these millionaire musicians it's just another notch to their belts. When we're let into the lives of these celebrities we always try to pretend we know what their lives are like. We pay attention to trainwreck celebs and forget about our lives. But what about when the musicians need to take a break too?
Sure some are booze hounds, video game junkies, junkie junkies, or just do the normal stereotypical rockstar thing. Then there are some who have interesting and creative hobbies. We see that so and so enjoys the same thing we like and there's another connection you have to being as famous as those who already are. Today we're going to take a look at some of the hobbies my personal favorite musicians have.
Name: Flea
Off Stage Antic: Actor
A musician is an actor? Normally that wouldn't be THAT interesting, yet Flea is a much different case. Flea has been in some of the best movies of our generation and often goes unnoticed because he blends into his roles so well. Even though he didn't like the films, he had a small role in both "Back to the Future II" and "III". But more importantly he was in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" AND he was one of the nihilists in "The Big Lebowski". Can you really do much better than that? Even with small roles, Flea's work always helps the project and never takes away from it. Go rewatch those movies and look out for his contributions. You'll laugh at yourself for missing him.
Name: Alice Cooper
Off Stage Antic: Golf
Surprisingly enough to many long time metal heads, this shock rock icon is an avid golfer. He has credited his love for golf to be a major reason why he's kicked his alcohol addiction. His 2007 autobiography is even titled "Alice Cooper, Golf Monster". He even goes as far as using this hobby as a charitable function as he's had and has participated in a lot of fundraiser tournaments. He keeps playing six days a week and keeps getting a bigger and bigger reputation about his playing. It's just sorta crazy that the man known for blood, guts, severed limbs, and other acts of offensive goodness is on the course just about everyday honing his swing. If he's half as dedicated to this passion as his music one then he could easily turn some heads. Questioning if he's crazy enough would be redundant.
Name: Maynard James Keenan
Off Stage Antic: Wine making
Maynard's family made wine in Italy and now Keenan makes it in Arizona. MJK owns Merkin Vineyards and Caduceus Cellars in Page Springs/Cornville, Arizona. Apparently "Merkin" is a public wig, while "Caduceus" is an ancient symbol for commerce. He's got other stuff going on like his acting (Mr. Show!) and his LA restaurant, but to me his wine situation is the most interesting. Being a wine lover myself, it's pretty cool to know there's awesome people like Maynard out there who share this passion.
Name: Marilyn Manson
Off Stage Antic: Watercolors
Like Maynard, Manson works with alcohol. For Manson, it's his awesome brand of absinthe called "Mansithe". While it's a great product that I can personally vouch for, his watercolor paintings are what are more interesting to me. Probably to many hater's surprise, Manson's art is really unique and awesome. He has held openings, been displayed, and has gotten his art out there in normal ways outside of his CD packaging which has been pretty damn good. My favorite of his work is his painting of Mickey Mouse. I doubt I'll ever be able to afford any of his originals, but I'd love to get my hands on a print or two. If you've not checked out his work, I highly suggest giving it a go.
Name: Jay Z
Off Stage Antic: Part NBA Franchise Owner
Jay Z is one of the owners of NBA's New Jersey Nets. He OWNS A BASKETBALL TEAM. That is fucking awesome. Say what you want about the guy, but as a sports fan you can't deny you've never said "If I owned the team, I would do this…". Well, Sean Carter is doing that. He may just be an investor of a few million dollars, but he wants to move the team to Brooklyn. It's not happened yet and may never, but the guy owns a basketball team. THAT is "big pimpin".
What hobbies do YOU share with your favorite musicians?