Some can say that a series of radio hits makes a great band. That's just commercial success. Some could say that one huge hit will make a band great. That'll only make you a one hit wonder. Some could say that longevity makes a great band. That's dedication, which while respectable, doesn't make a great band. And some would even say that a huge following is what makes a great band. That could be true, but there's also that chance that you're just the flavor of the week and will fade off sooner than later. It's much much more to make a great band.
First off, it's talent. A band must be the master of their instruments to the point they can play their songs with their eyes closes, lit on fire, and with a bad case of chicken pox. I'm not saying a band should light themselves on fire, well unless you're Rammstein, but a band must be able to play their music in any condition.
In relation to talent, the music must evolve. Have you ever been a fan of a band that had a great first or even first two albums only to realize that their third and forth sound exactly like the older stuff? Yeah, me too. This is because a band MUST evolve. They need to develop and explore their talents and bring freshness every time around.
And of course a band must have chemistry. Too many potential great bands break up too early, have a fall out with a key member, or just flat out can't get along. Once a band is past that, there's still a long way to go. A band can be "friends forever" like The Zack Attack, but unless they gel together musically it means nothing.
Last, but not least, stage presence is a huge must. I've seen my share of bands on stage that are good musically, but you can care less because the band is boring. I'm not saying that they need to be jumping around or crazy, but they must own that stage for their set. Attire is important as well. Again, I'm not saying to be gimmicky, but don't dress in the clothes you woke up in. Maybe it's my old wrestling mentality coming though, but I feel a performer should look different from the fans paying to see them.
Some bands have "it" and some don't. These are just a few ingredients that are floating around in my head. That's not saying much because I had the worse headache known to man and I honestly believe I have West Nile. I haven't smoked weed in over nine months, but even then I didn't feel this dazed and confused.