I love the art of music, but there's some stuff no matter how popular that I avoid or just stay out of the loop on. I've heard and seen A LITTLE bit of Katy Perry's music, but I couldn't tell you anything she's done outside of "I Kissed a Girl" and that new song with Snoop.
What I do know about Katy Perry is what the tabloid media tells me. I know she's from a religious background, flaunts her chest often, seems pretty cool, and is going to marry actor Russell Brand. Her music is what brought her to the public eye, but sadly this stuff is what people (me) know her best from.
There's got to be something about Katy…
Ur So Gay
(Album-One of the Boys | Director – Walter May | 2007)
I really like this video. It's creative and very well done. The animated cloud background works for her singing cuts. Then the odd Barbie world telling a story is pretty cool. I'm a fan of the multimedia format and it's just smartly done. I'm not going to research it, but I'd of hoped Walter May got some form of award for this. The song is pretty entertaining. Perry has a fun voice and has tons of charisma and personality. With one video in, I can totally see her appeal.
I Kissed A Girl
(Album-One of the Boys | Director – Kinga Burza | 2008)
Of course I've heard this song before too. I don't live under a rock, but I just never paid much attention to it. This video is a bit more standard fare when it comes to pop videos. It's very nicely shot and the settings are interesting, but it's not a quarter as creative as her first video. The song is catchy and was huge hit, but it's more of a disposable pop song than I thought. I mean I always knew it was a silly pop song, but I thought it had more edge and grit to it. It has sex appeal for sure, but again… standard fare. It sounds way too pristine and produced. Is it really parody of pop music or is it giving in to capitalize and claim it's parody?
Hot N Cold
(Album-One of the Boys | Director – Alan Ferguson | 2008)
We start with a marriage scene that turns into a casual dance club. Then it goes on to become a more 80's looking dance club. Then the video goes into a crying bride chasing him down. He keeps running and eventually comes to a break dance hip hop style Katy being more fun. I guess the video explains that she has multiple personalities. At this point, my impression is kind of odd. Katy Perry is pretty much 50% Jenny McCarthy and 50% Pink. That's not necessarily a bad thing. I've heard this song before, but honestly had no idea it was hers. I kind of wish it wasn't.
Thinking of You
(Album-One of the Boys | Director – Melina Matosoukas | 2009)
Holy crap, it's a down tempo ballad. It almost sounds country and I don't know how to take her voice in this tone. There's like a breathy choke thing going on that made me laugh when the song started. It kind of grows on you because it's so interesting, at least on a first listen. I could imagine it getting old. The video is okay for what it is. It's a well done and creative way to do something everyone else has done a million times. A "period piece" music video about a solider? That's "Generic Country Music Video Premise #4". The song isn't much of an issue, but the video irks the hell out of me.
Waking Up in Vegas
(Album-One of the Boys | Director – Joseph Kahn | 2009)
Hey! I've seen that guy before. The crafting of the video itself is pretty good. The direction, cuts, and everything is well done for the content and script it deals with. But sadly, that's not much. The video is enjoyable, but is almost a commercial for the city of Las Vegas. All the cameos, the landmarks, and pimpage of the city seem a bit fishy. But then they lose everything… but then at the end they win again! "yay!"(Note sarcasm) It's all pretty cheesy, but well done. Perry is a likeable performer and the video is very watchable. It's still bubble gum feeling, but it's "spunky". That's like the best way to put it.
California Gurls featuring Snoop Dogg
(Album-Teenage Dream | Director – Mathew Cullen | 2010)
It's a Candyland parody called "Candyfornia". That's creative. The video is pretty cool. The imagery reminds me of the old Wonka movie, not the Burton one. The set design and CGI is really well done. The shots of her in the clouds, lying down, are almost graphic. As a red blooded male, I can't complain but it's a little shocking. For awhile I thought Snoops only part was to stand there and throw in a random "west coast", but then he put out a verse that reminds me of his verse from a bonus CD of Justin Timberlake's album. I forget which one. Towards the end, Perry goes crazy with what appears to be either icing or ready whip. How does one review that part with other than the word "awesome"? But even with that not there, the video is good stuff.
Teenage Dream
(Album-Teenage Dream | Director – Yoann Lemoine | 2010)
Katy Perry's most recent is a "indie film" looking video. It's got a very laid back look and is very well done. The song is not like the other singles I've heard so far and sounds really good. The video then goes into a weird sex thing that's a little creepy, but still well done. I could have lived without the parking lot dancing stuff. Other than that, this is the best "serious" video I've seen from her yet.
I know she's made appearances in videos by Timbaland, 3OH!3, and probably others but they're not HER songs. I wanted to stick to her body of work. Overall, I can see the appeal. She's a hot, talented, "spunky" pop singer. Like I said, she reminds me of a hybrid of Jenny McCarthy and Pink. I guess more so McCarthy though. For some reason I thought she'd have more edge. The revealing clothing and ties to Russell Brand made me think she'd be more in your face. For what she apparently is, or at least has presented thus far is a quirky and spunky pop singer works.
What is YOUR favorite Katy Perry music video?