It would have been so easy to go with the wide spectrum of ALL broke up bands. I'd be able to tell you all that I want bands like Faith No More, Talking Heads, and Led Zep to all come back, rock the reunion tour, and make a zillion more albums for our listening pleasure. If I did that I'd completely ignore the bands from the late 90's and early 00's. So that's exactly what I'm going to cover today.
I'm going to dig deep into my personal high school vault and pick at the remains of what were my mid to late teens. Rage against the Machine is back. Stone Temple Pilots, while I can't claim it as one of MY high school bands is back. Then there are bands like Korn who may have lost of a member or two, but still stride forward and still have relevance to current music. How much? That's up to you.
I'm not saying I was a fan of any of these bands. In fact, during their heyday I'd probably be that guy to mock you for being a fan of theirs. I still can't deny the popularity, hit singles, and many fans these bands had at the time. But are these bands like The Police, Van Halen, and the 80's bands that made their grand comeback? Could they draw enough "old time fans" and "curious newbies" to fill an arena?
band : Blink 182
Remember those wacky pretty boys who sang "punk" music? No, I'm not talking about "Good Charlotte" or "Fall Out Boy", but rather Blink 182. Everyone loved Blink 182. They were so hip and cool back in their day. (wait for it... wait for it...) I HATED them. I was very annoyed by the so-called "fun punk" they shoved down our throats for the few years they were relevant. I really hated their cliche and vomit inducing "Adams Song" about suicide. I do know the story behind it, but it was so pretentious and lame. Who the fuck are these guys who to sing about something real? Why start with something so touchy with people? It was the equivalent of putting out a 9/11 movie in 2002. Too soon, too much, and too disrespectful to those who are actually TRYING to say something. They got all pretentious and very well could have been the start of emo. If they'd of stayed around all the "punk" fans would of remained happy. They broke up, and soon everyone got sad. Then comes "My Chemical Romance". Seriously, just listen. It's all the same whiney voiced "pop punk" bullshit. I don't care. Be it "Good Charlotte", "Fall Out Boy", "My Chemical Romance", or "Blink 182"… it's all the same to me. It's like shoving sporks up my ass while being forced to watch "Grey's Anatomy".
comeback countdown :I give them six or so years. The one band with the numbers didn't do much, but "Angels and Airwaves" seems to be popular amongst the "matured" Blink fans.
group : Destiny's Child
See, I didn't say "band" there. I said "group". While I'm obviously not an avid R&B or Pop fan, I'd be lying if I said I never enjoyed a Destiny's Child song. It's not like they were TLC or even Salt-N-Peppa when it came to laying down r&b/pop tracks with substance. It's disposable pop and that's always meant to be catchy and good clean fun. Beyonce is doing her own thing and making a lot of cash doing so. She's with Ova and has a little more edge to her now. The others have released their own music and done some acting, but nothing on the mainstream level.
comeback countdown :They'll make a surprise appearance somewhere before the decade is out. I'm not saying they'll reunite for good because Beyonce is riding her success well. I can still see them doing a surprise appearance at some award show.
band : Limp Bizkit
They were the epitome of the genre I call "TRL Rock". There was nothing edgy or cool about Limp Bizkit to anyone past grade 10 education. They broke in by paying DJs to play their first single and from there, they got lucky on an interesting cover of George Michael's "Faith". From there, every late 90's/American Pie movie cliché was all thrown into a huge melting pot, stirred with a dash of ignorance. Red caps backwards, doing it all for the "Nookie", and frat parties was soooo where it was at back in the late 90's and early 00's. The type of guy who listened to Limp Bizkit and mimicked the stereotypes of the band would suspected date rapists, future career criminals, and the bottoms scrapings of a shallow gene pool. Incase you hadn't picked up on it by now, I'm not a fan. I'm all for party music, but there's no substance within any of Limp Bizkit's catalog. Wes Borland is doing "Black Light Burns" and now working with Manson. It's like going from sitting on the bench at a little league game to starting in the World Series in the clean up slot. For the love of god, PLEASE do not come back. I wish no harm on anyone and hope Fred Durst is happy in life, but I'd be content with never seeing or hearing from him again.
comeback countdown :Eight or so years. I can really see them doing a "reunion tour" down the line. Money talks and people will think of Limp Bizkit as something special, good, and as time goes on "not as bad as I thought".
band : Bush
Sure Bush was a bit before the last 90s, but they were still around at this point. If you think about it, Bush is to the mid-late 90's as to what like Staind or Nickelback is to now. It's alternative pop rock. Despite not being a fan of the current update on the made up genre, I didn't hate Bush. I never went out and bought their music, but I didn't necessarily turn them off the radio when they came on. I saw one really good performance of them on some MTV Spring Break show that stands with me as "the one cool Bush highlight". Gavin has moved on with Gwen Stefani, acting, and his new band and the other guys have apparently went on to do their own things as well.
comeback countdown :I really don't know. They were pretty popular, but not as pop as Limp Bizkit or Blink 182. I'm fairly certain they have a liiiiiiittle bit more integrity to do it outside of a respectable reason. I guess, ten years? Sure, ten years.
band : Creed
Creed busted out with "My Own Prison" and a few fairly decent Pearl Jam-esque singles. From there it because sooooo pretentious and lame. Think U2's Bono's stereotypes multiplied by a thousand without any of his credibility. People rocked the Creed HARD until they realized how much of a douche they were for doing so. Then slowly and surely their fans converted to the dark side and slowly and surely they were mocked by most. Like Bush, they were alternative pop rock. It was apparently by the leaps and bounds of lame people who sported their shirts and vouched for them as the second coming (irony intended). Stapp went on to be in a porn with Kid Rock while the rest of the band ended up forming "Alter Bridge" and recording Edge's bad ass entrance music. They were like a more famous version of Puddle of Mudd, but with a supposed purpose.
comeback countdown :The band was douchey enough to do a reunion show. Probably with Nickelback. I give them another decade to really hone their dive gigging craft.
How long, if ever, do you think it'll take for some of these acts to reunite?
Who's some of the broken up 90's bands that you could see reuniting?