In the wide range realm of music there have always been songs about similar topics. Songs about love, loss, war, lust, and partying have become a staple in the types of songs we've let dominate our ears. There's a million ways to convey a thought, even that thought is universal. The reason a good portion of songs have these similar themes is because its stuff we all experience.
One thing we all experience is sleep. We all need rest. It's a necessity and a pleasure to be able to put your head on a pillow and just pass out into a slumber. Sometimes we have trouble sleeping, sometimes our dreams and nightmares come into effect, and sometimes a musician will use "sleep" as a metaphor for something else. The point is that a lot of bands, singers, and basically some of the biggest stars of all time have made music referencing sleep.
I'm well aware that there's plenty more out there than just ten songs about sleep. I'm going with these ten, well, because to me they're the most notable and the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure with some research I could probably find dozens more; some better than what is on my list. Because of this, I don't think it's fair to call it a "Top Ten". This is just ten songs that are worth discussing. By all means, if you have any other picks please feel free to share. There are no wrong answers, especially mine!
"Sleep Now in the Fire" by Rage Against the Machine
This song isn't literally about sleep. It uses "sleep now in the fire" as a metaphor basically saying "sleep in the bed you made" to the world. The song's lyrics blast "greed", US slavery, rapists, Hiroshima, war, and all that bad stuff. I agree with their stance on things for the most part, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I liked this song mainly because it just rocks my socks right off. And to think THIS modern rock classic lost to "Break Stuff" by Limp Bizkit at the 2000 MTV VMAs. I think that day the term "WTF" was actually invented.
"I Can't Go to Sleep" by Wu Tang Clan F/ Isaac Hayes
Like most Wu-Tang connected things, this is awesome. The video is extremely well crafted for what it is and the song is spectacular. Ghostface owns the first two minutes and then it gets surreal as the late Isaac Hayes busts out the chorus. This is a more serious Wu track as the song covers dramatic and depressing things that have gone down in the past and how it still haunts Wu to the point they can't sleep about it. Solid and pretty underrated track.
"I'm Only Sleeping" by The Beatles
From my favorite Beatles album ("Revolver") comes this John Lennon penned track. It's been said it's about John's off-tour laziness where he'd spend his days reading, writing, watching TV, and sleeping. Also that Paul would have to wake him up often for their sessions. The video is a montage of sorts and is pretty well done stuff. I don't know if it's official or not, but should be. This song is catchy and is one of the few on this list that literally mean "sleeping" when it's said.
"Go To Sleep" by Radiohead
This may very well be my favorite song by Radiohead. This song is so good it has TWO titles as the alternate title is "Little Man Being Erased". The video is creepy CGI of business people walking by as a CGI Thom York sits and sings on a park bench. Eventually the buildings start to crumble. It's said the theme is about corrupt governments and their quiet war against revolutionaries. In this case, "sleep" is a metaphor for the government wanting us to buy their propaganda. This is, at least, what I take from it. I did a lot of drugs in the early 00's.
"The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite" by R.E.M.
This made the greatest hits album from a few years ago and with good reason. It's a good track by R.E.M. For me, they're hit or miss but this song is old school fun stuff. It's kind of hard to decipher the words and that might actually be for the better. I know there's something about tea in it, which I'm cool with being an avid iced tea drinker. There's one theory this song is about waiting for a drug dealer. I won't pretend to know for sure, but the song does speak of a sidewinder sleeping. You can take the metaphors however you please. I prefer over easy.
"I Go To Sleep" by Rasputina
The original was by The Kinks and then in the 80s we heard The Pretenders release a very popular cover of this song. I don't care about those versions. For me, it's all about this Rasputina cover armed with a beautiful music accompaniment. This sleep variation is more about going to bed alone, which is do delicately discussed in the lyrics. The song is soothing enough to put anyone to sleep, but with Rastputina the dreams would be really weird.
"No Sleep till Brooklyn" by The Beastie Boys
This was when The Beasties were still immature, goofy, and still fun. This video isn't nearly as memorable as some of their others, but the song still holds up. A commonly unknown fact is that the riff in this song was recorded by Kerry King of Slaaaaaaaayer. The sleep reference here is them not sleeping on tour until they get home from tour. You see, in the late 80's sleep was optional.
"Brain Stew" by Greenday
"I'm having trouble trying to sleep. I'm counting sheep but running out..." makes for a pretty obvious narrative. This is one of Green Day's most popular tracks and with good reason, it's catchy and good. The guitar riff is addicting and the lyrics and witty. The song is an ultimate ode to restlessness. From the album "Insomnia", the song covers the side of things when sleep is hard to maintain. The mind is "set on over drive" and everything just irks your senses as you try and try to catch some Z's.
"Asleep" by The Smiths
The validity of this video is questionable, but it's claimed to be the "US Video version" of the song made up of old clips. Whatever the case may be, it's a good and simple video. The song is beautiful never the less. Morrissey's vocals here sound of desperation. As if he's waving a white flag in surrender to finally being able to sleep. This is far from The Smith's best or most famous track, but it's still amazing. The song is eerie as can be and still gives a very soothing vibe. The words "Sing me to sleep, I'm tired and I want to go to bed" have never rang truer.
"Enter Sandman" by Metallica
I've been a casual Metallica fan for a long time. Sadly the Lars with his anti-Napster stuff and the fact that there was a very weak period in their discography really soured me on the band. So in the clip here we go with a 2004 performance that features the great Joey Jordison replacing the not great Lars. Despite the fact the performance has no life to it at all, it's about 50 times cooler because Joey is behind the kit. Any who… "Enter Sandman". The song's lyrics are about "destroying the perfect family, a huge horrible secret in a family" said James Hetfield once upon a time. The bedtime prayer part is still creepy, even after a million listens. The video is a classic and the song just might be the most popular song about sleep of all time.