Sure there are many bands out there that dress unique, have crazy hair, or wear make up. Whether it be eyeliner on the emos like My Chem, colorful hair on the "punk rawkers" like Paramore, or presenting themselves like the bad asses they aren't like Metallica image is everything.
To cover all that wear make up or who go for the "spooky" image would take an entire month worth of columns. Lots of leather, black, and even women's clothing has been sold in attempt of many bands out there to look "spooky" or "unique". Some bands and performers like Marilyn Manson, Alice Cooper, Ozzy, and others have accomplished a lot with this look. Then there's the "spandex, colorful make up, and anything feminine they get there hands on" bands like Motely Crue, Poison, and the plethora of 80's hair metal.
The reasons a band would do something like this is varied. They could be blatantly trying to market themselves, they have a statement to be made, they're just goofy, or they want to stand out from the crowd. Many genres of music have their own uniform. Why not want to be different?
I'm talking about the artists that go that extra mile with their costumes. I'm talking about a mask, a body suit, or something a bit more Halloween, a bit more camp, and a lot more elaborate.

I am not a KISS fan in the least bit. Even their "hit singles" annoy me. The fact of the matter is, like them or not, we know who they are. They've become staples in the music world and many, including myself, would say it's due to their over the top and larger than life image. Their brand of pop rock tunes packaged in a "demon-like" wrapper has made them millions of dollars. This is a HUGE case of STYLE over substance.

The costumes are something out of a B Horror movie and the stage shows are messier than "make your own taco night" at the school for the blind. If GWAR wanted to be mainstream and get attention they'd not be so vulgar, controversial, and "out there". What they've done is established a huge underground cult following and haven't strayed from their fucked up image in the least bit. Despite being grouped with a band like KISS, they are the exact opposite. The SUBSTANCE of what they're doing out does the style. That sorta says a lot when you can go to their shows and leave covered in "blood" and "vomit".

Many people say they rip off GWAR, but I wouldn't go THAT far. Sure there are some pretty big coincidences and they're obviously an influence, but the music is different. Lordi is more of a rock opera extravaganza type of experience. I saw them on Ozzfest a few years back and was pretty entertained by the theatrics of the band. I can imagine how their music sounded still, but the songs themselves didn't stick with me. It's a bit of style over substance and theatrics over music quality here.
Gnarls Barkley

By listening to Gnarls Barkley you wouldn't think they'd be as eccentric in their clothing as they are. Every time I see them perform on TV, in a video, or in a picture they are dressed up. I've seen Clockwork Orange, Freddy and Jason (as pictured above), Star Wars, and a shit load of other iconic and ironic characters. They don't stick to a certain image, but seem to always wear some sort of "weird" or "quirky" costume. Outside of the novelty of whatever costume they wear, their live shows are kinda bland despite having catchy and good music.
David Bowie as "Ziggy Stardust"

He kinda fits into the make up and feminine area of this topic, but I'm specifically talking about his "Ziggy Stardust" persona. Ziggy wasn't just a product of glam, but of Bowie's drugged out mind. His costume design was very elaborate and a great take on "futuristic fashions". It was flashy, thought out, and provided a great collection of Stardust inspired tunes. Ziggy was a glammed out alien who inspired A LOT of today's more eccentric acts. His touch is timeless.

These guys are probably the most popular costume band around right now. They hide behind their mask to "hide their identity so we, the listener, can focus on the music" or so they want us to believe. If the masks were all one thing, it would be one thing, but they're all crafted to each member's identity and is a huge marketing tool and point of interest when speaking about the band. I like their music and appreciate their appearance, but to deny it's done more to help their career than harm it would be really uneducated.
Blue Man Group

I know this is an odd choice, but they are what they are. Their blue skin and uniformed clothing makes them one of the most famous and accepted costumed band of all time. They match their unique look with their unique style of music. They play the same venues as most theatre shows and are really more of an experience than a band. I'm sure you could listen to their work outside of their shows, but why would you want to?
Some other bands I know of that I didn't cover were Mushroomhead, ICP, older Mudvayne, and others. Surely there's a costume band in your area or under your own personal radar that wasn't listed today.
Share the knowledge and let us know whether it's a novelty, great idea, or flat out bullshit!