Welcome to The Savage Animal. I'm Mikey MiGo and I'll be your guide through this dedication to alcohol. Alcohol and music is something all young and old music fans can relate on. After turning twenty-one, most music fans can't wait for their first beer or alcoholic drink at a concert. My first, if memory serves, was a beer at Project Revolution featuring the likes of Ghostface, Snoop, and Korn. For those that know and care, Project Revolution was a tour headlined by Linkin Park. They weren't my cup of tea (or beer) so we left before their set. I don't even like beer outside of an occasional Corona with lime, but it was something I had to do after years of waiting. Was it worth the wait? Not really in retrospect, but it has opened the floodgates to many other concert drinking experiences. I won't drink at every concert I go to, but if it were sipping Rum and Cokes in the VIP area of last years Ozzfest, doing Yagerbombs with Rob Kleiner of Tubring, or getting drunk with Fashion Bomb a drink can never hurt a concert experience. Well, if you are a drinker that is. I'm not saying you must drink to fully enjoy a concert. I'm going to sound like the stereotypical white guy and say, "I have a lot of friends who are sober." On the flip side, there is those that go to concerts solely to get drunk and become obnoxious assholes that ruin the show for everyone else. Those cock-rock drunk assholes can ruin anyone's good time.
Anyway, drinking is common at concerts, but there's also a whole counter culture out there going on at parties and colleges. Yes, I'm talking the traditional drinking game. I could go on and on about beer pong and quarters or even the time a group of us sat around and watched "The Devils Rejects" and took a swig whenever anyone died or something "uncomfortable" happened, but today we're going to half ass focus on the drinking games that deal with music. Before I tell you the two I'm thinking about, I'll try to quickly explain what a drinking game is. Whether it's a group drinking at one point in time or someone losing some asinine game and having to drink, it's basically just an excuse to drink as fast as possible. It's nothing pretty and a good amount of the time results in one or more participants throwing up or blacking out. Yeah, sounds like a lot of fun doesn't it?
The two games that come to mind for me go with the "drink as fast as you can" scheme of things. Both involve a decent amount of alcohol, usually beer and a small group of friends. Also both involve a song that you'll never be able to hear again without either grinning or cringing depending on your experience. The first one we can blame Sting on as it's done to the tune of "Roxanne." Basically, whenever you hear "Rooooooxanne!" you take a swig of your beverage. If you've heard the song you'll know that by the end of the track you'll be a beer or two poorer. The second song that works is "Black Betty" and it's basically the same game. You know what will happen if you put the song on loop two or three times. Silly and borderline insane? Of course. My feelings on the subject is if you're of legal age, doing it somewhere safe, and NOT DRIVING you're welcomed to do as you please.
The relation to alcohol and music doesn't end there. The musicians and artists themselves are also fans of the booze juice. I'm sure we can all think of a musician that's been drunk in public or has drank on stage. Okay, not think of one OUTSIDE of Slash. See, it's not that hard. Musicians ARE real people as many of us forget. They want to drink for many of the same reason we do. They take their life experiences and use them in their music. So, I decided to put together a Top Ten List of my personal favorite songs about alcohol or drinking...
Top 10 Songs About Booze
As always when I do a personal Top Ten type list, I will give a disclaimer that these are just my personal opinions. I'm sure I'm missing some obvious songs about drinking that everyone out there may love. Drop me a line and share your lists. Even if it's just a Top Five or a just your all time favorite don't feel shy to add why it's a good choice.
"Margaritaville" by Jimmy Buffett
I initially was going to leave this off, but the guy needs the good press. He was recently busted with what people say was ecstasy pills. To perform the same lame songs every concert he would sure as hell need them. To be fair, this is probably the only Buffett track I sorta like, mainly because I like margaritas.
"I Drink Alone" by George Thorogood
Some could say that Jimmy Buffett is the master of songs about booze, but I give the nod to Mr. Thorogood. His gritty and blues like atmosphere makes you slam that glass with a little extra oomph that you can't get from any other musician. In this specific song, George captures that isolated feeling that people sometimes get and actually want while drinking. I'm sure you can expect this, more from Thorogood to come.
"Tubthumping" by Chumbawamba
This song is a bit silly lyrically, but it does have it's place. I can't say that I know any other songs by Chumbwamba, but this one came to mind when putting this article together. "A whiskey drink, a vodka drink..." and whatever the hell else they sing about is catchy in that "I can't get this song out of my head" type of way.
"Friends in Low Places" by Garth Brooks
I hate country music. I repeat, I HATE COUNTRY MUSIC! It's repetitive, insulting to my intelligence, and makes me want to spill my breakfast. However, I won't deny the success and talent that Garth Brooks has/had. Of the few respectable country songs I'd not instantly turn off, this is one of them. I will also include this because yesterday was one of my best friend's birthday and he loves country. So, Shaun this one's for you.
TOP 10 BOOZE SONGS (In No Particular Order)
When attempting to put this list together, I had too much trouble trying to rank them. The criteria was a bit too varied to be specific. I mean, do I go with the best overall song, the best song to drink to, the best characterization of alcohol, or what? Yeah, I don't know either!
"One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer" by George Thorogood
I said Mr. Thorogood would be back and I wasn't lying. "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer" has always been a song that has been bouncing around my dome since I can remember. If this song were to be a drinking game I think we'd all be in for some trouble. Lets say you'd have to take a drink of each when George sings them. Sounds painful and fun. I think I may have just figured out what will be the end of me. If there's no column next week, you all know why.
"Gin and Juice" by Snoop Dogg
Who doesn't know the chorus of "Sippin' on some Gin and Juice. Laid Back. With my mind of my money and my money on my mind." Yeah, that right no one. Well, maybe those over the age of thirty or those who just live under a rock. Of all of Snoop's hits, this one could quite possibly be the one we all remember when it's said and done.
"My Alcoholic Friends" by The Dresden Dolls
The band isn't that well known as it is. This song is from the last album and wasn't even a single, but it's probably my favorite song off Yes, Virginia. If you haven't heard of The Dresden Dolls then shame, shame, SHAME! on you. Get on it and make sure you hear this specific track. It's definitely a tune many of us can relate to.
"Welcome to the Fold" by Filter
I like this song more than "Hey Man, Nice shot" and I'm not afraid to admit it. The basic vibe of this song is that everything has you pissed off and there's only one thing to do: Crack open an ice cold beer and let your self drift away. Not that Filter gets the respect they deserve to begin with, but this single should have been a lot bigger than it was some six or seven years ago. Wow, I feel old. It doesn't feel that dated when listening though I assure you that much.
"Drinks on the House" by Fun Club
Unless you're from Chicago or have been to a few select shows in New York, I doubt many people reading this column know of The Fun Club. In my very first column here on 411mania, I did a write up of their performance from a Mindless Self Indulgence show in Chicago. That night won me over based on their performance and antics, yet this specific song won over my heart as it's something I still sing to myself and with a few people a few months later. They say, "Drinks on the House!" Then you say, "Whatch'you Drinkin'! Whatch'you Drinkin'!" Sounds odd, I know. But check it out on their myspace page. HERE
"One For My Baby" by Frank Sinatra
Gotta give respect to Ol' Blue Eyes. Frank Sinatra is obviously a legend in music and pop culture. With many many hits, this is the one about boozin' it up, but boozin' it up in only true "Chairman of the Board" way; with class. I'll go on record and say that I bet that if there was no Frank Sinatra there would be no Papa Roach, Metallica, or Eminem. I mean SOMETHING had to get their parents in the mood.
"Tequila" by The Champs
So what if I dressed up like Pee Wee Herman and danced to this song for Halloween eighteen years ago. If it weren't for Pee Wee's Big Adventure, I'd not care nearly as much as I do for this song. I rarely drink Tequila, but when I hear this song I cannot help doing the Pee Wee biker bar dance. Please note, I did not say the Pee Wee porno theater dance. That would just be creepy.
"Champagne Supernova" by Oasis
The opening of this track gives you the feeling of taking a dive into a huge glass of champagne. This mellow track was a hit on the radio and charts for sure, but it's also a great track from a timeless album. While Oasis has their following, outside of the relationship between the brothers this band is sorta forgotten by the American audience. A shame? For sure, but this specific track will remain on the radio and in the collections of many fans for years to come.
"Closing Time" by Semisonic
I guess you could call this band a one hit wonder. However, this is far from a novelty song. I have as well as others I've talked to say that this song is played just about every night a bar is closing. A friend recently visited a bar in Florida and said they finished the night off with this song followed by Ray Charles' "Hit The Road Jack." That's not bad company at all to be included in for bar songs.
"Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) by The Doors
If I had to pick a number one just on pure greatness of the song, I'd have to go with this one. The Doors and more so Jim Morrison have been a pretty big influence on my musical taste and artistic ways since I was a young kid. I have a Morrison poster in my room and I don't see it coming down anytime soon. The song was originally done by Kurt Weill, but I still give the credit to The Doors because they made the song their own. If you don't know this song, you're not a music fan.