Back in the 50's, "Screamin'" Jay Hawkins had the track "I Put a Spell On You". The song was quite popular, which sparked Hawkins to start using stage antics like emerging from a coffin, singing to a skull, smoke bombs, and other gimmicks. Since then, there has been a lot of spooky rockers. In this column I'm going to take a glance at some of the more notable ones.
Ozzy Osbourne

Ozzy Osbourne is nicknamed "The Madman", "The Godfather of Heavy Metal", and the "Prince of Darkness" for a fucking reason. He's evil! And that's why we all love him. A history lesson on Ozzy is a bit redundant to anyone reading this column because you should already know. Ozzy started off with the legendary Black Sabbath and then moved onto a very successful solo career. He had that reality TV show that sorta sucked and has been the mastermind along with his wife Sharon of the ever so popular Ozzfest concert. He pissed on The Alamo while wearing one of his wife's dresses, he shot 17 cats, and bit the head off a bat. Spooky? Yes. Crazy? Hell yes.
Alice Cooper

Alice Cooper's work spans four decades. He is often referred to as the founder of shock rock due to his gory, theatrical concert performances. He is best known onstage for his shock-rock theatrics and controversial villainous stage role set to a melodic soundtrack of generally classic rock, and for his social and witty persona offstage, he is universally recognized as one of the most accomplished and influential artists in rock music. He went as far as taking what was once a name of a band and making it his legal name. I for one will remember him for one thing over everything else and that's his role in the first Waynes World movie. I cannot say "Milwaukee" without pronouncing it "Mil-le-wauk-kay". He still releases albums to critical acclaim and performs onstage to this day as well as a pretty successful radio show.

KISS is arguably the most famous of the spooky bands. KISS has been awarded 22 gold albums and has sold 19 million records in the United States. Impressive? Of course, but then factor in the group's worldwide sales are in excess of 80 million albums and you have a juggernaut of a band. With their glam rock influenced face paint and stage costumes KISS has claimed their thrown as marketing machines. Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, Ace Frehley, and Peter Criss were household names for many years and still are to many to this day.

GWAR is that band you've seen in those huge monstrous costumes that make you want to hide under your bed. The thrash-punk band formed in 1985 by a collective of artists and musicians is best known for their elaborate sci-fi/horror film inspired costumes; raunchy, obscene, politically incorrect lyrics; and graphic stage performances, which consist of humorous reenactments of scatology, sadomasochism, necrophilia, pedophilia, bestiality, fire dancing, pagan rituals, executions, and other controversial violent and political themes. GWAR has been on the leading edge of shock rock since their formation. While never the mainstream, a following for GWAR is never in question.
Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson is not only the antichrist, but also the anti-chameleon in which he changes his appearance and music to go against whatever the norm is at the time. In the early 90's, Trent Reznor discovered Manson and signed him to his Nothing record label. Shortly after, Marilyn Manson started his rise to the mainstream. If it's controversial imagery or antisocial lyrics, Manson has always been true to himself and thought process. While he was actually blamed for the tragic events at Columbine, those kids weren't even fans of him or his music. It just goes to show you that an easy target is the one on top of the controversial world. Like Rob Zombie, Manson is not getting involved with directing movies, which I'm sure will be as offensive to the masses and artistic as his music. You can say what you want about Marilyn Manson, but one thing is for sure is that he is educated in what he says and will not fade into the darkness that is mediocrity.

Rammstein is a German band that has taken pyrotechnics to a new level. They are so over the top with their fire antics that people are often carried out suffering from heat exhaustion. The variety of the pyrotechnics can be seen in a recent concert playlist, which includes such items as "Lycopodium Masks", "Glitterburst Truss", "Pyrostrobes", "Comets", "Flash Trays" and "Mortar Hits". Hell, Till Lindemann himself is a licensed pyrotechnician. It doesn't stop there, the band's costumes are equally outlandish. During the Reise, Reise tour they were wearing Lederhosen, corsets and vague military uniforms with steel helmets, while during the Mutter tour the group kept to the themes of the album artwork and descended onto the stage from a giant uterus while wearing nappies. What more can I say? Weirdo Germans, flame throwers, and lots of humor. Spooky enough for me.

Slipknot reached the height of their popularity in the early 2000s and I tend to believe a lot of it has to do with their image. While their music style is ripped off and not even close to being duplicated, their costumes is what sold their product to many teenagers when I was in High School. The members wear matching uniform jumpsuits, and custom-made masks inspired by facets of their respective personalities. Now, Cory Taylor sings in his old band Stonesour and others in the band have their own respected projects. I'm not sure, but I don't think they're officially broken up so new music could be on the horizon. I hope so because their music and costumes continue to evolve with each new album.
The Misfits

The Misfits got together and tried to be a normal punk band, but soon took on a more horror-themed direction. This new appearance and theme brought them to an iconic status that'll live forever among punk fans. Songs inspired by low grade horror and sci-fi movies, ghoulish appearances, and their horror elements is what gives them a spot on this list of spooky bands.

Bauhaus was formed in 1978 and is considered the first gothic rock group by pretty much everyone. I was very lucky to see them open up for Nine Inch Nails this past summer and was completely sold on what I already considered awesome music. If you are having trouble remembering or figuring out who they are pick up the David Bowie vampire movie, "The Hunger." Their track for "Bela Lugosi's Dead" is performed at the beginning. Outside of the band being very talented, Peter Murphy leaves an impression on you that you won't soon forget. The way he strolls and glides across the stage gives off an erie vampire-like coldness in your spine. And really, I mean that in a "having a religious experience" sort of way.
Gimmicks or lifestyles, it doesn't matter. The antics and images only boost what the main purpose behind it all is. To perform and share their music while entertaining the masses.