There's plenty of controversy and horrible snubs in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Most musicians are honored to be nominated or inducted, but at the end of the day that's never the reason a musician does what they do. The awards and Hall of Fame isn't the be all-end all when it comes to music credibility. There's bands like Rush, Alice Cooper, Iron Maiden, The Cure, Genesis, and others who are much respected, much loved and would make many people's all time bests list. But this column isn't about these snub victims.
There are also some defunct bands that'll be shoe-in picks come their time. We can bet our asses that Guns N' Roses, Nirvana, N.W.A, Soundgarden, and Rage Against The Machine are all bands that WILL grace the hall with their glory. There are plenty of broken up bands that make it in and get that final applause and nod of respect. That's not where I'm going with this column either.
Today I want to look at bands that are still currently out there touring, recording, and providing their fans with new and fresh experiences. To be eligible for nomination into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, an act must have released its first single or album at least 25 years prior to the year of nomination. There are plenty of great acts who will be fitting that criterion in the upcoming years.
Going with my list was a bit rough. I am not a fan of a handful of those who are listed, but I know they'll eventually get in. I didn't want to just go with the easy list of "Mikey MiGo's Hall of Fame", but rather a wider view. I'm not as versed in musicology as those who really vote on these things, but I do have my own opinions. There are some choices in the past that I've not been all that much a fan of, but know and respect the chosen artist's talents and reputation. I'm sure it'll be the same in the future.
We have to look for talent, fame, skill, influence, style, longevity, and basically the entire package of a band. You'll notice that each and every one of those criteria is very objective and opinion-based. So we're just going to have to be open minded and think outside our own heads and to a "what is most respected and loved" by all type of mindset.
Some of the upcoming years inductees seem pretty obvious, but once we get about ten or so years off things become a little iffy and more of flat out prediction. I'm sure in time, some of these people will either rise in acclaim or maybe even be forgotten, but as of now I'd say these 20 have a pretty damn good chance of getting in.
In order of their eligibility.
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Year Eligible: 2009
They're up for this upcoming Hall of Fame. I'd honestly be shocked if they didn't get in on their first nomination. They've been around forever and have consistently provided great hits and some pretty damn good albums. If for some crazy reason they don't get in this year they'll for sure make it within the next couple years.
Faith No More
Year Eligible: 2010
I could almost see Faith No More getting snubbed. They're influence on many rock genres have been secured and proclaimed by many. Their biggest hit "Epic" isn't even their best work, but it's what they're known for. Patton and company have all the talent in the world and there is a diehard fan base out there for them, but I don't know if they've reached that "rock legend" status that's required for a Hall of Fame band. It's a shame as they're one of my favorite acts on this list.
Public Enemy
Year Eligible: 2012
To many purists distress, hip hop has snuck its way into the Hall. While Public Enemy had the huge crossover hit with Anthrax, they're known for their political hip hop works. They've had some really big albums and hits and then a portion of stuff that fell under many people's radar. Their music still holds a punch. If someone like Fab Five Freddie can sneak in then a group like Public Enemy will knock the doors down.
Green Day
Year Eligible: 2014
I've never really gotten into Green Day, but I fully acknowledge their impact, growth, and popularity. They've managed to stay musically relevant for years and have seemed to only increase in popularity. They're often respected and praised by the major critics while dominating the charts.
Nine Inch Nails
Year Eligible: 2014
Yeah, supposedly "touring is over", but NIN isn't going anywhere. Oh yes, my favorite band of all time WILL eventually get in. I'd instantly want to see them in because of the talent, longevity, influence, and just overall package. The live performances have been the best I've personally seen, but Trent was never really one to be a showy rock-god type. But on the other hand, Trent has the respect of many music legends. Sadly, I think the committee is made up of long time suits. Trent has probably pissed them all off at one point in his artistic evolution. When they do I have to wonder who else besides Trent Reznor will accept the award. The band from the "Pretty Hate Machine" era is often overshadowed by the bad ass crew of Lohner, Finke, Vrenna, Clouser, and Reznor and even somewhat by the most recent line up. This is a fan-boy discussion for the future, I'm sure of it.
Pearl Jam
Year Eligible: 2016
This is a shoe-in. Pearl Jam embodies what the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is all about. They've stuck around forever and their classics have matured nicely. I've never been a die hard fan, but they've earned their spot for sure. I'll even go as far as saying that this will be one of the rare times when a band will get in on their first eligible year.
Stone Temple Pilots
Year Eligible: 2017
They've taken the baby steps to being a fully active act again so they get on the list. Many would say that the 90's was a very important musical decade, so to be a staple of this period says a lot about a band. There's Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and one other band that most folks will instantly go with. That third band is Stone Temple Pilots. STP were a staple of the 90's and put out some of the best upper tier rock songs of any era.
Year Eligible: 2017
Probably in the same boat as Nine Inch Nails. They have massive respect and acclaim from the industry people and critics. They were never really a "rock-god" type of band, but musically outstanding just about every time out.
Year Eligible: 2017
I doubt Beck would get in so early, but within time I don't see why not. He had a huge impact on the musical landscape for a while, but has been kind of quiet over the past decade or so.
Year Eligible: 2017
Along with Nine Inch Nails and Radiohead, Tool is the third and final band of what I consider my personal 90's trilogy. Tool is in a similar boat as the other two. They've evolved and have stuck around for an increasing diehard fan base, great albums, and a lot of critical acclaim. I could see them getting snubbed for a long time, but they definitely have their place in music history.
Dave Mathews Band
Year Eligible: 2018
I'm not a fan of "DMB". The only time I've ever enjoyed any of their music was in one rare drunken bar experience. Other than that, it's just not my cup of tea. That being said, millions of hemp wearing yuppy people love them some "Dave". They've proven their longevity and have had the chart and attendance numbers to back up their worthiness.
Year Eligible: 2019
I'm sure other hip hop acts will be inducted before them, but Outkast belong in the hall. Their funk and groove style crosses over to the rock audience more times than not. There are those who'd be dumb enough to call them a one-hit wonder because of "Hey Ya!", but that's just silly. Their entire discography has been a roller coaster ride of the future. What Outkast does today will be done by everyone else in a few years. They are to hip hop what Prince was the rock. They belong in the Hall and I'm sure before it's said and done they'll get in there. It really rests on what they put out in the next decade or so, but it looks good.
Year Eligible: 2019
This one is a big maybe. Weezer has put out some great music and have grown in popularity even after their big "Buddy Holly" period. They're on the right track, but needs one big resurgence to really secure a spot. Even more than Outkast, it rests on their next decade of work.
Year Eligible: 2019
Korn, while not as popular as they once were, are still a huge act. They basically pioneered the "nu-metal" movement (like it or not) and influenced a zillion bands in the process. Then again, I've always said that "Korn is to nu-metal as Motely Crue is to hair-metal". The Crue never got in, so that might also be true for Korn. On their current merit I could see them eventually getting nominated, but they'll need to reestablish their hard rock genre dominance somehow.
Foo Fighters
Year Eligible: 2020
It's crazy to think they won't be eligible for another eleven years, but it's already kind of safe to assume that Foo Fighters are shoe-in inductees. Call me crazy, but I like the body of work from Foo Fighters more than Nirvana. There's just a lot more maturity to it. They've provided an assload of hits in the decade and half they've been going. I don't see that stopping.
Jay Z
Year Eligible: 2020
He IS the Elvis of hip hop. He has become a figure head for the entire genre of music and has definitely made his impact on pop culture. He has released hit after hit and manages to stay on top of the game like a mafia boss. If this stays consistent then hova will get in without a problem.
Year Eligible: 2021
Not a fan at all, but Eminem will get in. He's already been at the Hall to induct Run DMC last year so he wouldn't have any problem finding the venue. Eminem's impact on hip hop and it's crossover to mainstream America has been remarkable. He's managed to stay sill, controversial, and respected all at once. Unless he completely falls off, he's got a great shot. Even if he does, his chances are still decent.
Year Eligible: 2023
They've made a huge impact in a short time. I'm not a subscriber of their work, but they've taken a huge leap into the capability of selling out arenas in the same vein as a U2. They're off to a great start in that respect. There's a lot of potential for these guys.
Queens of the Stone Age
Year Eligible: 2023
A huge maybe. I'm a huge fan and it's hard to find many people who share my enthusiasm for them in my area. Then I see them at a concert or play some tracks and before you know it the unknowing listener is enjoying the hell out of the groove rock that is Queens and are all "whoa! I didn't realize that was them!" They're consistent and seem to be evolving. Their credibility is rising and with a few really huge albums they'll ease their way into the legendary status that's well within their sights.
The White Stripes
Year Eligible: 2024
It seems like forever away, but I'm 100% certain that The White Stripes will get into the Hall of Fame. Jack White is one of the best rock musicians alive today and with his lovely and talented sister Meg, the Whites have owned the first decade of this millennium. Unless Jack White permanently leaves the group for one of his many side projects, then there's nothing separating The Whites Stripes and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but mere time and patience.