I was listening to a random song the other day and got confused. No, I wasn't drunk and it wasn't in a different language, it was because the song title was misleading. I thought I clicked "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails, but it ended up being "Closer" by the Corrs. If you've heard these songs or even just know how these bands sound in general you'd know that these two songs are far apart on the spectrum of music. I wanted to hear and feel the baseline of the electronic heart beat and the vulgarity of the "I want to fuck you like an animal"; instead I got something soft and well, a lot different.
I got to thinking. There are plenty of song titles like this. It's not just some random B-Side or unknown artist either. Some of music's most influential, biggest, and best are all guilty of sharing a song title.
The most common connections are simple "one word" titles that could easily be considered cliché, but it works in most of these cases. There are albums with the same name (ie "The Black Album") and the world doesn't destruct so no one really points out the song connections. With there being a few million songs in existence, it would be nuts to think that a few song titles wouldn't be thought of by a few of the same great minds.
I'm going to take a look at seven different "same title" songs and give my personal comparison and pick from the two. It's all subjective and a fun topic to bullshit with fellow music junkies about so lets have at it…
Song Title: "Drive"
Bands: The Cars vs. Incubus
I don't have any albums by The Cars, but I know the vinyl for this song is in a crate somewhere in my laundry room. It's a great song by a very underrated band. The soft melody and calming track digs deep, but could arguably considered a bit one dimensional. In comparison, holy shit I forgot how awesome "Drive" was by Incubus. Before hearing this only memory of Incubus was when Brandon Boyd still had dreds and they were toying with a more funk influenced style. For the time it was just out, this track was on many of mine and my friends mix CDs. Unless you're extreme in your music tastes (Rap ONLY! Metal ONLY!) then I'm sure you own or have owned this album at one point in time. Incubus hasn't really gained my attention with any of their recent work, but this track will always have a place in my collection. This may not be agreed upon by everyone, but I'm going with my personal preference not historic value.
The Winner: Incubus
Song Title: "99 Problems"
Bands: Ice T vs. Jay Z
This one is a bit different that the rest on the list because Jay Z's song is way more popular and I'm willing to bet that even some of the most hardcore hip hop fans haven't heard this classic cut by Ice T. The thing is that even in hova's greatness in the Rick Rubin produced track, many don't realize that he just about completely stole the chorus from the old Ice T track. T's track is offensive, vulgar, and rude to women as he goes off about how he has different types of women and Z's is more of a narrative about other problems he has, with "a bitch" not being one. I remember LOVING the Jay Z track when it came out because the composition, lyrics, and innovation were all there. Then I was turned on to Ice T's version and lost all my excitement for what I thought was something fresh.
The Winner: Ice T
Song Title: "Breathe"
Bands: Prodigy vs. Faith Hill
I was in high school when I got Prodigy's "Fat of the Land" album and "Breathe" was a reason why. It's one of those songs I forget about, but when I hear it I get pumped for more. It was awesome entrance music for Al Snow back in ECW and still holds up. I don't like country music, nor do I like country pop music. Still, it was hard not to hear Faith Hill's "Breathe" when it was out. Hill's "Breathe" is soft, poppy, and has a sense of romanticism to it while Prodigy's "Breathe" is electo-maddness, full of grit, and aggression. Trying to be objective about it, Hill gained a lot of exposure and sales because of it, but Prodigy's genre doesn't necessarily cross over to the mainstream all that much so I give the nod to them. And hell, I just like it better.
The Winner: Prodigy
Song Title: "Changes"
Bands: David Bowie vs. 2 Pac
I respect both of these artists a lot. I grew up with 2 Pac and am growing old with Bowie. Bowie's "Changes" is one of his most classic tracks. The word, melody, and delivery are something Bowie captures in a fantastic way. Pac's version has a similar tempo to Bowie's surprisingly and is just as powerful. This one is more of a toss up depending on your style preference. I like both, but I go with Bowie out of respect. Pac is more famous for his other tracks while this will always be one of my top five or even three Bowie songs of all time.
The Winner: David Bowie
Song Title: "Rockstar"
Bands: N.E.R.D. vs. Nickelback
I remember when the first N.E.R.D. album came out. I was hooked on it and really enjoyed the production and unique feel it had. I even made it to one of their early concerts before Pharrell blew up and ended up in a billion videos as a "featuring" artist. "Rockstar" was the first single on this great album and I still don't think it's been topped in my eyes yet. On the other hand, there's Nickelback. Yuck. They're like the new Bon Jovi in which a lot of their songs sound a little too close to another. Bon Jovi had a few good songs in their early days, but I can't say much for Nickelback besides "Leader of Men". When I happen to catch the Nickelback video for "Rockstar" I instantly rush for the remote to change the channel. I literally feel my brain softening into mush more with each second I have to hear that monstrosity. It's like a musical lobotomy. If that offends you then I'm sorry. I'm sure you have a lot on your mind with trying to figure out what to get your sister for your wedding anniversary.
The Winner: N.E.R.D.
Song Title: "Burn"
Bands: Nine Inch Nails vs. Usher
This one is another that's on opposite sides of the spectrum. The Nine Inch Nails "Burn" is from the "Natural Born Killers" soundtrack and never really got "single treatment" despite still popping up on the rotation of many rock radio stations. It's aggressive, angry, and full of industrial metal awesomeness. Then there's the Usher track "Burn". It's a slow and heartfelt R&B track. It's something that you'd hear in your local club as you stare at the fugly girl you lowered your expectations for. This song would probably seal the deal for you. It's one of those sultry soulful tracks that when used with candles and soft lightening can be dangerous. Nine Inch Nails is my favorite band of all time, but nothing is smoother than Usher.
The Winner: Usher
Song Title: "Creep"
Bands: Radiohead vs. Stone Temple Pilots
I used to joke that the STP song was about John Bobbit. Yeah, I was a lame teenager. This is one of STP's best, but not THEE best. People don't know STP specifically for this song. Sure it's an STP staple, but if you go to a concert you'll forget about it as you listen to the other two dozen hit singles they have. Flipping the script, this is the song that most people know when casually mentioning Radiohead. It's easily their biggest and most played song and because of that they rarely ever play in live. I understand that Radiohead is much much muuuuuch more than "Creep", but if I went to a concert of theirs I'd be at least a little disappointed not to hear the song that introduced me to them. I love both of these tracks, but Radiohead's "Creep" is much more definitive to their career and namesake.
The Winner: Radiohead
Song Title: "One"
Bands: Metallica vs. U2
I will not include Creed's "One" in this, but I want to mention it because I think it's one of their best songs. That's not saying much though. We'll ignore them and let the titans compete here. U2's "One" is one of the most beautiful tracks EVER. There I said it. I'm a sucker for this song and I love everything about it. I hold in the same standards as "New Years Day", "Sunday Bloody Sunday", and "Bullet In The Blue Sky". But we're talking Metallica here. Metallica's "One", for crying out loud. It's one of the best metal songs of all time. Metallica's "One" is a very epic and enthralling song that's almost an anthem for all that is spiritual. This one is tough to pick on a personal level, but my brain and fingers are giving the hands down victory to Metallica.
The Winner: Metallica
So yeah, there's an ass load of songs with titles used by two and sometimes a handful of artists. We all have our favorites.