The internet has plenty of jargon implanted into the common lexicon of the masses. Even grandmothers know what "lol" means. Along with that, there's "gtg", "wtf", and my favorite "gtfo" along with tons more out there. Once text messaging got big about ten years ago it followed there. But the internet has still been two steps ahead. For a language that's one step above abbreviated words in notes from middle school that's pretty impressive. There's still hope for maturity though as one term has remained a bit more adult orientated. As far as I know it begins with message boards and forums. People are perverted, sick, and sometimes really crude. With internet being used more and more in the work force; it became apparent that there should be a warning. That's where "NSFW" comes into play. If you see those letters together then you should be sure to look over your shoulder to see who has view or ear distance from your computer.
That means NSFW music videos. There's plenty of music videos out there with controversial, perverted, gross, violent, and downright f*cked up content. While I don't have the time to of watched every video out there or even stomach half of them, I can easily put together a Top 9 List of NSFW music videos.
Some of these videos don't bother me and some make me cringe. It all depends on your own set of morals and entertainment values. I'm sure I'll miss some, but to me these are ten of the biggest NSFW music videos out there.
Number Nine
Video: "Y Control" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Questionable Content: children being violent/creepy/vulgar
Sure there's a lot of creepiness in this video. The kids are violent as they destroy a car, they look creepy and bored, they play with a dead dog, there are a few middle fingers, and a child gets his hand cut off and goes on a subtitled fit of vulgar rage… but this Spike Jonze video is beautifully shot. It's not so much a vulgar video, but rather a disturbing one.
Number Eight
Video: "Happiness in Slavery" by Nine Inch Nails
Questionable Content: penetrating machinery/nudity/self gratifying torture
I remember this video vividly. It was on the Downward Spiral era dual-VHS live/video compilation and the dreaded "Broken" featurette that could have had a place here on its own. I was always and still am a bit disturbed by torture machine. The song is one of the best harder tracks by NIN, but to me it has an aura to it that makes it feel like I'm doing something wrong because of this video… even when on CD now. The objective for music videos is for them to stick with people. Mission accomplished here, dammit.
Number Seven
Video: "Smack My Bitch Up" by Prodigy
Questionable Content: alcohol/cocaine use/nudity/violence/more
Sadly, I had some trouble finding the full video online. The rest of the video is tons more chaos. From memory, I think there was some more drugs, strippers, a fight, some puking, and then a big reveal at the end that it was a woman all along. I know plenty of women like this, but if I told you their names they'd probably beat me. Too bad there's not a full version out there. Despite the content, it's really well done. Seriously, out of nowhere they cut it at the 1:14 mark. That's just how NSFW this video is.
Number Six
Video: "Gutta Time" by Master P
Questionable Content: racial content/vulgarity/lameness/booty
Leave it to Master P to have a music video about the Klu Klux Klan having a pick up game with gangsta looking guys. It's almost comedic how bad this is. How this video could have the audacity to end with "Increase The Peace" is beyond me. The video puts a light hearted narrative on a serious topic. I'm sure the idea was amazing to those involved when they attempted it, but the end results are pretty damn embarrassing. I'm not morally offended by it, but this does insult ones intelligence.
Number Five
Video: "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam
Questionable Content: teen violence/suicide
I've not heard this one in a long time. It just doesn't seem to get the airplay as the other Pearl Jam hits… I wonder why? Maybe because it's about a kid that snaps, enters his class room, puts a gun in his mouth, and well the rest is simple enough to figure out. It's not just an artsy metaphor, but it's based off a true story of a kid of the same name. It's a pretty blunt video and despite not showing the actual "blast", it paints the picture with ease. It's well done, but still a bit rough to really think about.
Number Four
Video: "Windowlicker" by Aphex Twin
Questionable Content: excessive profanity/sexuality
I thought this was mislabeled when I first clicked it. I completely forgot about the short story that sets up the song. The dance sequences out of nowhere are great, but other than the vulgar stuff at the beginning it's nothing too different sexually than most rap videos out there. It's just creepy and unsettling due to the faces.
Number Three
Video: "Tip Drill" by Nelly
Questionable Content: pretty much a porn with above average music
I saw this for the first time on BET a few years ago and my mouth was floored. I love some "booty shaking" just like any red blooded man, but this is just excessive. I'm pretty sure at one point I could see what one of the "girls" had for breakfast. It's not just a few minutes long, but over SIX MINUTES. Most songs don't last this long. Watching the video makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. Then to cap it off is the infamous "credit card swipe"… if you made it that far. It's like if you watch the video for more than two minutes you owe someone $10 for a lap dance. I won't even get started on the thought process of how many possible STDs are in attendance on the "set" of this video.
Number Two
Video: "(s)AINT" by Marilyn Manson
Questionable Content: nudity/excessive drug use/pornography/vulgarity/blood/puking/self mutilation/bondage/bible defecation/bubble bath
There could have been a dozen more videos of Marilyn Manson to add to this list, but just for your own career safety assume to NEVER WATCH A MANSON VIDEO AT WORK. Seriously, it's a bad idea. I'm one to always say that the stuff between the recent album and "Mechanical Animals" isn't all that great, but this video definitely stands out. It's a pretty bad ass song, but the video makes me feel dirty. This video has so much "bad" to it that I can't help but love it. I mean really, it's a masterpiece of anarchy. There's not many people who would depict themselves in this manner for a music video. Lady GaGa, you have NOTHING on Brian Warner's warped view of the world. Lame costumes might make teenagers tingle, but Manson makes us cover our eyes in fear as we open our ears to his art. Yep, I'm calling this art and in my opinion of the highest form.
Number One
Video: "Pussy" by Rammstein
Questionable Content: hardcore pornography
I heard about this video, but really didn't believe it until I saw it. Holy shit. I did not expect, nor did I want to see the band members of Rammstein have hardcore sex with these chicks. The title of the video is "Pussy" and that's pretty much the theme of it. I'm all for free expression, but this tows the line of decency. I'm never going to be able to listen to "Du Hast" again. *shudders* There is no website out there that hosts the video uncensored but the one I linked above. I seriously warn you… I'm not over exaggerating here. This is pornography being passed off as a music video. This is the very reason why the letters "NSFW" were created. Holy shit.