High Fidelity is one of my favorite movies of all time and John Cusack is one my favorite actors of all time so naturally I recently popped it in to waste a few hours of time. In a movie centered about music, love, and awesome comedy I noticed something that I had noticed many times before. Most John Cusack movies involve him standing or walking in the rain. I don't know if it's part of his rider or if he's just a "guy in the rain" typecast, but dammit it works.
A few years ago I had a few tracks on my computer that involved "rain" in the title or at least in the actual song. At the time I was going to put together a mix CD of songs involving "rain" to pop in on a rainy day. Lame? Sorta. Creative? Sorta. Did I realize both of those facts then and there? Yes, I ended up getting distracted and putting my little project to the side.
I've had some free time lately between the Holiday parties, work, and all of those annoyances. After making the Rain/Cusack connection again and hearing a few tracks that were about "rain" I decided to give it another go.
Now I could simply just list all the songs that have "rain" in the title or are about "rain," but I'm going to stick to my original plan. I'm going to take an 80 minute blank CD and fill it up with my favorite tracks about "rain."
MiGO Mix: The Rain CD
Before I jump into my list, I want to say it was pretty damn tough. There's a few tracks that I didn't include that would have easily made the list on any other day like Missy Elliot's "I can't stand the rain" or Nine Inch Nails' "Down In It." To me this CD is "complete"...
1. Jimi Hendrix - "Rainy Day, Dream Away"
Run Time: 3:42
This "Electric Ladyland" classic starts off the CD. The very beginning of the track you can hear Jimi cough and then tell us to take a look out the window and see what's happening. He trails off and rambles as his funky track starts to builds to a normal jam out Hendrix song.
2. Sevendust - "Rain"
Run Time: 3:34
This UK Bonus track from "Seasons" is a hidden gem if you're lucky enough to get your hands on it. "Seasons" wasn't my favorite Sevendust album, but this is easily my favorite track from it. It's musically hard hitting, but at the same time LJ's vocals are soothing and gives it a relaxed vibe.
3. Creedence Clearwater Revival- Have You Ever Seen the Rain
Run Time: 2:44
I can't hear Creedence without wanting to relapse from my drug free urine. If you have a pulse and don't just go for the annoying contemporary music you should know this one.
4. Blind Melon - "No Rain"
Run Time: 3:37
This is one of those songs that you hear and instantly think of the video. The bright colors, Shannon Hoon, and the Bee Girl. The lyrics are the prime example of what goes on in ones head during a rainy day on the surface. If you want to get deep with it, it has a shit load more of metaphorical meaning to it. For this column, it's perfect.
5. Prince - "Purple Rain"
Run Time: 8:40
It's not so much about the "rain," but more of because of it's fucking Prince. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I enjoy this movie AND Graffiti Bridge. This one is more of comp out due to "rain" being in the title, but the music does give a valid feel of a steady rain outside your window.
6. Bella Morte - "The Rain Within Her Hands"
Run Time: 5:06
From "The Darkest Millennium" this track fits in perfectly at the 6 spot. I love the synths, vocalist Andy's voice, and the whole essence of this track. I guess it's supposed to be a love type of song, but the beat keeps your head nodding.
7. Placebo - "English Summer Rain"
Run Time: 4:00
A lot of people have tried to push Placebo on me over the years. I don't dislike them, but to me most of their tracks just song the same. However, this specific song is probably my favorite from their discography.
8. The Beta Band - "Dry The Rain"
Run Time: 6:05
This is from the High Fidelity soundtrack so naturally I have to include it. The Beta Band is another band I've never gotten into, but I appreciate this track. From a CD composition aspect, it's about half way through and you want the rain to go away. This track asks "to dry the rain" so it works fine.
9. Guns N' Roses - "November Rain"
Run Time: 8:57
This is one of the greatest songs of all time. It's fucking epic. There's not one aspect to this song that I can complain about. The story, the music, the vocals ... it's all dead on. My favorite part of the song is Slash's guitar solo towards the end. As a preteen I would fast forward to the solo and pretend it's my wrestling entrance music. The song gives the feeling of rain quite possibly better than any other track out there.
10. The White Stripes - "Red Rain"
Run Time: 3:46
From "Get Behind Me Satan" is a track that I think should have been a single. As good as The Raconteurs are, I miss The White Stripes. I recently thought I saw Meg White in northwest, Indiana, but obviously it was just a boho reject rich lady.
11. Eurythmics - "Here Comes the Rain Again"
Run Time: 5:06
Many give Lennox and Stewart the big props for "Sweet Dreams," but I think this one is where they really shine. Musically it's so much better, but I think the lyrics are what takes away from it. "Sweet Dreams" is timeless, but "Here Comes the Rain Again" seems a bit dated. Nonetheless, it's a perfect track as we're winding down. It just seems that whenever you think the rain is gone it comes again. This track sums that up.
12. Eric Clapton - "Let It Rain"
Run Time: 5:03
This one comes courtesy of my "Cream of Clapton" CD. It's Clapton at his best. The settle guitar and laid back melody rests well with his vocals. It should because he's made a living using this method for years. Something's just work. This is one of them.
13. Alice in Chains - "Rain When I Die"
Run Time: 6:01
From Clapton to Alice in Chains is a bit of contrast, but this track from "Dirt" is again one that I think should have been a huge single. The music and riffs seem to repeat the entire track, but the vocals are of course what sets this a part from any other song on the list. The song fades and drones at the end leading into...
14. Led Zepplin - "The Rain Song"
Run Time: 7:39
This track is almost completely absent of vocals till towards the end, but it's a beautiful arrangement. The music gets you so comfortable that you want to slouch in your seat and close your eyes in almost a stoned state.
15. Jimi Hendrix - "Still Raining, Still Dreaming"
Run Time: 4:25
We bookend this mix CD with another "Electric Ladyland" track. The funk of Jimi's guitar takes you on a journey that leaves you feeling as if you spend the entire CD outside getting soaked. It closes out the CD and leaves you looking for the umbrella to go rough it out.
Total Run Time: 1:18:33