What’s goin’ down clowns?
I was doing some internet strolling, and I came across a couple videos that brought a chuckle to my heart, Enjoy. . . . .
When Lady Ga Ga came out, I was immediately a fan. Anybody who’s read my last 2009 blog, “Countdown to 2010" knows my opinion that she got uglier the more popular she got. Not that Lady GaGa is unattractive, she’s just ugl, you know? I would often say to people that she was an ugly Christina Aguilera. Then I would often say that her or Britney Spears should’ve thought of the Ga Ga gimmick first, particularly Aguilera, whom, like Ga Ga, can actually sing, and it would’ve been an interesting evolution from that “dirty” Xtina phase, instead of damn near disappearing. Apparently, Christina has my day dreams hooked up to a DVR, but waits way too late to catch up on her episodes. Meet Lady Ga-Gaguilera, which, as I said before, would be semi acceptable, had Lady Ga Ga wrote all her songs, and didn’t do it 2 years prior. . . . . . . .
A few days ago, a friend of mine, a slight insider in the know of all things black, high class, NBA, southern, and ghetto-fabulous, informed me of the reason LeBron choked asshole against the Boston Celtics. If you are unaware of this reason, feel free to click these links. For the short and sweet version, Delonte West (the tattooed, albino shooting guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers) has been thrusting his albino penis inside of his teammate’s (King James) momma. I know, classic right? It takes me back to my high school days, and makes me wonder if Ashanti Miller ever boned Ms. Styles. But I digress.
Anyways, yeah, that’s the story going around. Gloria James getting her vag scored on, not the Darius Styles thing. After some Googling of the issued, I wandered into this video, which now makes me question if Powder, er, I mean Delonte actually fucked LeBron first, with apples being known not to fall far from trees and all. . . . . . . . .
Hope you enjoyed that. If not, you ain’t smokin’ right. . . . .