“Worst Case Scenario” is a new take on the concept of “fantasy booking”. For years professional wrestling fans would spend endless hours of thinking up the coolest things that could happen. Why waste the energy? This only leads to high expectations. “Worst Case Scenario” flips that. Instead of looking through rose colored glasses, let’s take a bi-weekly look at the worst possible scenarios in professional wrestling. I’m not going to be malicious or anything too mean, but I will not refrain from letting my brain come up with the worst possible shit I can. Sadly, it seems the writers and producers of mainstream TV wrestling and the mainstream iPPV level indies are doing the same thing but charging us for it. And now…
“TNA Goes ALL Tag!”
TNA wrestling sucks. It’s only a matter of time before the entire company folds and everyone is left to fend for themselves in indies and “next big thing” start-ups. If the talent of TNA was THAT good then they’d have been in the WWE be now. Guys like Austin Aries, Samoa Joe, and others were overlooked when they were in the indies and have wasted the best years of their career in TNA. Great talent and good matches can’t make a wrestling company. The storylines, production, and marketing has been so bad that they have ruined themselves. No one gives a shit about TNA outside of a small group of fans. The company can’t last forever and it definitely won’t. Some guys will retire and some might end up in the WWE as mid card or tag team talent.
So why not prepare? Internet fans and old school fans often take too much time from their lives to bitch about the lack of tag team wrestling in today’s modern era. The tag team movement comes and goes in spurts but it’s a common complaint no matter what. It’s up there with people complaining about Vince’s love for “big men”, Triple H “burring people”, and John Cena being “shoved down our throats”. Since TNA “has it’s finger on the pulse” and likes to “give the fans what they want”… then in this hypothetical look at the future TNA decides to go ALL tag.
Singles matches are done. Everyone has to find a partner and go at it. If a tag team breaks up, there is no blood feud. They simply find a partner and go after the former partner and their new teammate. Of course there would be wrestlers who no one likes and they basically just hang out and try to find someone… anyone… to team up with them. If not, they don’t wrestle.
Or if they can’t find a partner, they’re entered in a “Partner Pool” where they’re “randomly” matched up with someone and forced to team up.
The WORLD Tag Team Title is the top championship, a TV Tag Team Title is added, a Women’s World Tag Team Title is there, and a X-Division Tag Team Title is thrown in there for good measure.
This will definitely help the WWE Tag Division once TNA inevitably dies.
If TNA cares about its workers they’ll do this.
Imagine.. “From this day forth TNA is on the ‘buddy system’. All tag teams… no singles!”
This is TAG TEAM wrestling!