It feels like forever ago because really, 2008 was indeed forever ago. Digital Lizard Productions first movie, “The Moving Men” was mainly shot in four days. The post production was pretty quick and the movie came and went with a lot of ease. The second movie, “All The Love In The World” was a whole different beast. Outside of a few cameos, the cast was made up completely of people I barely knew or just met for the production. I made some great friends and had some fun experiences, but all in all the process of making “All The Love In The World” was a challenge. It was a challenge that I’m proud to say everyone overcame. The movie is FAR from perfect, but it’s not without its charm. There are moments, scenes, and lines in the movie that I’ll always be fond of. The “Making Of” feature is a good example of what all went down. It was chaotic and sometimes painful, but we got it done. I’ll roll my eyes, cringe, and laugh at certain aspects of things involving this movie. Still the stories, experiences, and gratification that came with making this movie is pretty cool in retrospect. That’s something that can’t be taken away from any of us.