“Blue Lite Tonite” is a home shopping program that features black market products for blue light prices. The lovably loathsome host Gavin Mahoney presents these often illegal items in a “Sixty Second Frenzy” where viewers have one minute to get in their orders. Each product is tested by the “Guru of Goods” Gavin Mahoney, but not always endorsed nor necessarily enjoyed.
Our brains are filled with advertisements and propaganda every day. Even if one wants to enjoy just a few moments of entertainment they are forced to consume commercial upon commercial.
In “Mike Goodpaster’s Unpaid Programming”, the commercials are the entertainment! Through a series of short commercials, Mike parodies products, the news, television shows, movies, celebrities, and more.
Sometimes you just don’t have the energy to turn off a commercial… and that’s exactly what Mike Goodpaster is hoping for!