

Episode: 12 Match: 5
Maniak Madness Match
Event: WRECKAGE 2003
Date: 6/21/03
Duration: 19:12
(*Audio Disclaimer: The audio is jacked up. It’s probably best to watch it with the audio up to a lower level. If you adjust a little, it works and you can still hear some commentary, the crowd, and the bump sounds. This is a horror of dealing with old VHS tapes. I suppose it’s good that I’m transferring these over to some form of digital copy before these tapes turn to ash or something. Sorry about that, but it’s still definitely worth checking out. *)
I don’t really know where the idea for “Maniak Madness” came from. Chase Richards was the champion at the time, but blew out his knee and had to give the belt up. So on the fly we through together this gauntlet-type of match. It’s pin and over the top eliminations, with random other rules. I’m pretty sure one of the rules of this match was that you weren’t allowed to tell a story. We have Showtime and Powers start us off. Then comes Tristin Hayze who hangs outside for awhile. JJ Drake and Kenny Courageous are next. They all pretty much take turns beating up the bad guys. Havok comes out with a great entrance. He leaves Hayze hanging and we’re treated to Vok’s “H Unit” of Tighty Whitey, Busta Kapp, Big Don, and others already join the crowded ringside of BJ and Eryn. Clusterfu*ck and a half, but it’s still entertaining. Next is Stryc 9. He comes out and takes care of business for awhile and joins in on the assault of Mr. Whitey. Then we’re treated to “Iowa” Joe Marquette getting in there as the dark horse and then the crowd goes wild when Carl Morris makes his way out. This match isn’t so bad once you get past the clustery-slop of how it’s presented. There are still some cool moments and cool moves in the match. When it ends, we get Stryc 9 vs. Havok. Stryc 9 would go on to win and become the fourth MEW World Enterprise Champion. What can I say, this killed twenty minutes.
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