

Episode: 1 Match: 5
World Enterprise Title Match
(C): Stryc 9 vs. Machine
Date: 08/16/03
Duration: 17:53
Maniak Moments takes a look back at the 8/16/03 MEW wrestling match between World Enterprise Champion STRYC 9 defending against former champion MACHINE! Both guys were MEW poster boys at crucial points in MEW's short history. Stryc 9 had just won the title in a gauntlet before this show and after years of being in MEW he finally came into his own and won the belt. MACHINE had just turned heel as part of "Team Firepro" and was terrorizing MEW. The guest ref is NOAH. NOAH was around before MEW and while one of the nicest dude I've met in wrestling was also overly stiff. He was reffing the match to set up some future storylines, but I don't think it ever panned out. At the end of the match we see the return of ANOTHER former MEW Champion in grande fashion. There IS a hammer in his hand, but no one could really tell. It's one of two specific times I remember a really silly spot that no one other than the workers notices. This one and the time Showtime used a real stun gun on the testicles of Scott Powers at Helloween Heresy in 01. We were entertained at least.
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