

Episode: 9 Match: 4
Twist/Johnny Blaze vs. Johnny Mac/Indiana Kidd Jr.
Date: 12/28/02
Duration: 12:43
(*Audio Disclaimer: The audio is jacked up. It’s probably best to watch it with the audio up to a lower level. If you adjust a little, it works and you can still hear some commentary, the crowd, and the bump sounds. This is a horror of dealing with old VHS tapes. I suppose it’s good that I’m transferring these over to some form of digital copy before these tapes turn to ash or something. Sorry about that, but it’s still definitely worth checking out. *)
This is a match that I never really think about when thinking about or referencing old MEW stuff. At the time I was going on the road with a few MEW wrestlers down to Indianapolis. Two wrestlers that I saw down there were Indiana Kidd Jr. and Johnny Blaze. They were good wrestlers, but ended up not making a booking we had them scheduled for the next month. Maybe they didn’t enjoy themselves or maybe the pay day was too low, but I don’t think I ever got a reason. Ah well. Also in this match is Twist and Mac on opposing teams. At one point, these two wrestled in a one on one match. I’m not sure if we were trying to start them into a storyline or feud, but it never meshed. This is a solid match though. The more Southern style meshing with the Chicagoland style is good stuff. If Johnny Blaze had stuck around, we may never have had The Super Villains. So in that respect, I’m thankful for how history happened. My favorite part of this match is around the 3:50ish mark. Up until that point, announcer Cameron Vance was mocking Indiana Kidd Jr.’s mullet. Kidd had enough and went at Vance. I find a lot of enjoyment in this. There is also a point you can see Carl Morris show up late in his 9-5 job uniform, grab the mic and cut a promo during the match. And I completely disregard the little person that’s out there. I don’t remember the man’s name nor do I remember booking him. Whatever. It was chaaaaaaaos! (not Rik)
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