

Episode: 13 Match: 4
Cade Lee vs. Slappy The Clown
Date: 05/11/03
Duration: 4:51
(*Audio Disclaimer: The audio is jacked up. It’s probably best to watch it with the audio up to a lower level. If you adjust a little, it works and you can still hear some commentary, the crowd, and the bump sounds. This is a horror of dealing with old VHS tapes. I suppose it’s good that I’m transferring these over to some form of digital copy before these tapes turn to ash or something. Sorry about that, but it’s still definitely worth checking out. *)
Good stuff here. I always wanted to push Cade Lee to more of a main event level. Hell, it’s safe to say this now and a lot of MEW people knew this, but I really wanted to put the belt on Cade a few times. I was a big fan of his more crazy metal persona. The sleeveless shirt, ripped up jeans, boots, singlet underneath, etc. etc. etc. was cool and intimidating. I’m not saying his later more traditional look wasn’t cool, but at a time I was ready to make him the poster boy. He wanted to work more in the mid card and work with green guys to help get them over and help build up their skill and status. He did well with this. Slappy was still pretty much a “rookie” at this point in MEW. We never shyed away from giving rookies pushes because that’s where we all came from, but for awhile Slappy was still “paying his dues”. He was dependable, put on entertaining performances, and gave it his all. Cade knew this. They had their match and while it’s a short and simple one, it’s solid as hell. I think it might be Slappy’s best match in MEW. The backstage stuff to this match is interesting, but on its own it’s still worth the watch.
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