

Episode: 4 Match: 4
Tristin Hayze vs. Willie Richardson
Date: 08/16/03
Duration: 11:38
I remember watching this match from the back of the Lincoln Center. The majority of the match was spent cringing and wishing Hayze would not kill himself or get killed by Willie. It’s very reminiscent of Shawn Michaels and Vader from Summerslam 96, except Hayze doesn’t stomp on Willie’s head for screwing up a spot. Willie wouldn’t allow that. He completely manhandles Hayze for almost the whole match hitting big move after big more. Hayze begs for mercy and still kicks out. The weird flap jack looks like Tristin could of destroyed his knee. Then there’s the chops, the power moves, and the splashes. About five minutes in Hayze takes Willie’s leg out and wisely wears him down. This only lasts a few minutes as Willie comes back, but then it goes back and forth some more. Finally Willie ends it with one of the sickest sitting powerbombs ever seen by man. This match is about three minutes too long and reason enough for any wrestling company to have insurance… or at least waivers. And to think these two were friends and would go on to win the MEW Tag Team Titles before it was said and done…
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