

Episode: 8 Match: 1
Eric Marx vs. Wendell Sunshine
Date: 08/16/03
Duration: 7:53
This match was good stuff between two good wrestlers. Wendell Sunshine was a “Maniak original” and was a crucial part of the shows. He’d do anything to himself to get a reaction from the crowd and busted ass every time he got in there. He’s somewhere between the equivalent of MEW’s version of Jeff Hardy and Mick Foley. There was lame drama between Wendell and myself, but I think it all came down to sh*tty communication between us. I always liked having him on the shows and never took him for granted. I think if MEW had continued, he’d of been the top title holder at least twice by now. But that’s all in hindsight now I guess. Then there’s “Superstar” Eric Marx. Many never take into consideration that Eric Marx was also with MEW from the start. He was even on the first show. He was always a nice guy and very easy to work with. I always felt he was the best “little guy” in Chicagoland and that he could of gone far in wrestling. This match is solid. I think we were expecting some high flying spot fest between the two, but instead they put on a nice little match.
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