

Episode: 2 Match: 1
North American Title
4-Way Ladder Match
(C)Wendell Sunshine
vs. Kaleb Pierce
vs. Chayne Wylde
vs. Hiztory
Date: 02/02/03
Duration: 17:25
Before anything, let’s get the backstory in order. The show before this, Kaleb Pierce lost the title to Wendell Sunshine. Going into it, Pierce was a heel but by the end of their match he had respected Sunshine and in return earned the respect of the fans. When they were shaking hands, “The Promotion” Chayne Wylde came out a demanded a match for the title. Wylde, being a champ himself in 2001, thought he should have a shot. Enter Hiztory. Hiztory, the maniak in the wet suit, was one of the most loved wrestlers in MEW and was coming into his own at this point. He too wanted a shot. So a 4-Way Ladder Match was signed. In what was loosely dubbed a “4 Way Waltz of War”, these four killed themselves and each other in this 4-Way Ladder Match for the North American Title. I’d probably not be too far off by saying this match was probably one of the top 3 or so matches for each guy in this. Hiztory, in that freaking wet suit, hit his perfect moonsault and inflicted a lot of pain here. Wylde, being the only heel, had to the fun job of absorbing all the heel heat while taking rough bumps and dealing with flying ladders. Wendell Sunshine was awesome. He took the sicker bumps in the match like Pierce’s chokeslam from the ladder and he and Pierce really set the tone. To me, the MVP is Pierce. He took some sickness, dished out some sickness, rocked the “Van-Damninator”, and enjoyed a well placed water bottle in his time of need. And "The Man" was the ref! We'll have to talk about "The Man" another time as it'd be a story worth more than the time I have now. My favorite parts of the match were Hiz’s moonsault and “swimming”, Everhart’s brass knuckle heel turn on Pierce, and the Sea-Saw spot that we had not seen anywhere else before then. For what it was at the time, the character build ups, the action, and the crowd response EASILY makes this one of the best matches in MEW Hiztory.
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