

Episode: 2 Match: 5
Stryc 9
vs. Havok
Event: WRECKAGE 2003
Date: 06/21/03
Duration: 11:33
This match sees Stryc 9 and Havok fighting for the then vacant MEW World Enterprise Title. Vok came in and the MEW variation of “Team FirePro” pretty much started from there. With former ref “BJ” Bryan Johnson taking the lead, the group consisted of himself, Eryn, Machine, Tristin Hayze, Eric Marx, Havok, Havok’s “H-Unit” of “Busta Capp” and “Tighty Whitey”, The Big Don, Larry, Curly, Moe, Shemp, and just about everyone else. This obviously left many matches uneven. This match isn’t THAT bad, but the chaos around the ring is pretty distracting until about half way through. The ref is knocked out and then Johnson goes in for the tease count just to piss Stryc 9 and an unusually vulgar Cameron Vance off. He would pay for it with the “Stryc-It-In”. Just for extra awesomeness you can hear BJ say “Oh Shit” before taking the move. From there, the match almost instantly becomes enjoyable. Stryc 9 takes care of the “H-Unit”, takes Vok down with a few moves but STILL can’t put him away. It goes back and forth until Stryc 9 sneaks it out and becomes the third ever MEW World Enterprise Champion. Firepro then gets involved and starts to beat on the new champ. This results in all the faces at the time coming out to save the day and celebrate with the new Champ. There’s two “best parts” here. First is Stryc 9 winning and the second is Cameron Vance getting in his revenge on Johnson.
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