

Episode: 2 Match: 3
Justin Vega
vs. Gilbert Lewis
Date: 05/23/04
Duration: 7:31
I remember really enjoying this match when it happened. These two worked together for awhile and always had good chemistry between the two. At the time, Vega was the “vet” in the match and I’m almost positive this was Gilbert Lewis’s one and only singles match in MEW. Vega came into MEW in early 2002 as “The Backyard Icon”. Obviously a play on the roots of the majority of the MEW roster and most other non-MEW wrestlers and companies were always quick to call us “yarders”. The gimmick could have had more potential but came right before one of MEW’s longer hiatus’. So when we came back he was “The Professional” Justin Vega and that’s pretty much the character you’re seeing here. Gilbert Lewis made his debut a few shows before this. He refereed in MEW for a little while before debuting, but was around in one way or another from pretty much day one. I had so many high hopes him and was ready to push him to the moon based on crowd response and heart alone. As you can see in this match, he could more than hold his own in MEW at the time. The little things about this match are great. The little “crazy eye glasses” spot, Gilbert’s puppet-like movements, Vega’s crowd work, and the whole shi-bang. For what would be MEW’s last show, I’m glad this two got a chance to shine a little.
Another interesting note is that the audio is pretty decent and you can hear the awesome commentary work of Cameron Vance and Ethan Gahd(DLP’s Keith Evans). Cameron Vance will forever be “The Voice of MEW”. He was away at college at the time and would travel hours to make it to the shows, help set up when no one else would, put on a suit to entertain a few dozen people, and give his all every single he hosted. That kind of dedication and loyalty is what held this company together for as long as it did.
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