

Episode: 5 Match: 5
C: Chase Richards vs. Johnny Showtime
Date: 2/02/03
Duration: 15:04
I don’t even know where to start with this one. It’s a weird, but important moment in Maniak Enterprise Wrestling’s history. When I first started MEW in 2001, things were greener than a lettuce fight on a football field. The first MEW “World Enterprise Champion” was “Mista” Johnny Showtime. Some drama went down and he, along with a few others, left MEW for a worthless promotion in the area. In the time he was gone, Chase Richards stepped up as the top guy in the company. He would defeat Machine to become the third champ. Upon coming back, Showtime was granted a shot to regain his belt. The fact that I brought back Showtime, Lexington, Canaday, and Powers didn’t sit right with some people in the locker room, but in retrospect and still now, I don’t care. It was my call and I had to do it. What it came down to was that I came into wrestling as part of one clique, we had a falling out, I grew close with another clique, fell out of touch with them as wrestling took a break from my life, got back in touch with the clique I came in with, and then when I decided to start back up I wanted to fuse everyone back together like how it was in 2001 when we started. One or two people took their ball and went home, and everyone else stayed. I never stopped enjoyed the work or the company of anyone, but it was like I was doing something “wrong”. It’s one of the few decisions in MEW I don’t regret or even consider “what if” about. I couldn’t imagine MEW without either Chase or Showtime in this match. There seemed to be some legitimate heat between the two and you can tell in how aggressive they are in this match. Still, it wasn’t like we had to keep an eye on the ring for any underhanded stuff. Both were out to put on a good match and tell a good story. I think they did that. Watching this match compared to just about any other in MEW history and you can’t tell me this doesn’t have a real “big fight”/”main event” feel to it. The tension, aggression, and contrasts of personalities make for a match that the crowd can feel. Showtime did get a little out of hand on the outside. He accidentally threw Chase on a small child in the front row, but Chase rectified it with some chops that I’m sure Showtime felt a day or two later. I’ve been told this match was supposed to have three acts to it and we were in for a lot more. I know for a fact that a table was going to be used, but it just didn’t pan out for us. This match should have gone about another ten minutes, but Chase’s knee gave out. He hurt it on ice while working his day job earlier that week, but it was holding up until I believe one of the times he was doing pushups. Still, it’s an interesting look at the ying and the yang of MEW. ..
And who was that handsome man walking around the ring with Kerisa the whole match?
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