

Episode: 6 Match: 1
The Super Villains(w/Colette Stafford) vs. Johnny Showtime/Scott Powers
Date: 08/16/03
Duration: 15:17
This match was a long time coming. Technically the longest running feud in MEW had to be Showtime and Lexington. The main event match at the first Scarred For Life in 2001 was supposed to be World Enterprise Champion Johnny Showtime teaming up with Jeff “Twist” Canaday against Trent Lexington and Scott Powers. That match would not exactly happen and the end result was the controversial “Light Tube Incident”. None the less, we fast forward about two years and switch partners. At Wrestlefest 2, The Super Villains attacked Showtime after losing to Chase Richards. The only person to really side with him was Scott Powers. The match is back and forth and I have NO IDEA why it’s longer than fifteen minutes, but its fun to watch. These four have always had really good chemistry together and this match shows. It’s not perfect, but there’s not much to really get upset about. They beat the hell out of each other. The end saw The Super Villains family expand from Canaday, Lexington, and their valet Colette Stafford as Scott Powers shocked the world and turned on the fans, MEW, and Showtime. This would be The Super Villains as we know it. This does not make any sense at all. Why would Powers just up and decide to turn on Showtime and join with the two guys that were beating him down out of nowhere? The old school “stand on the apron and turn at the end” thing would of made a lot more sense, but “making sense” isn’t one of MEW’s attributes. I made my share of bad booking decisions but I just don’t think this was something I came up with. It’s all hindsight now and I’ll take the blame anyway. Showtime would go on to struggle with finding allies until he hooked up with the misfits of the company, “The Damned”.
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