

Episode: 6 Match: 5
MEW World Enterprise Title Match
C: Stryc 9 (w/Precious) vs. Kenny Courageous
Date: 05/23/03
Duration: 8:47
In this week’s “Main Event”, you get a solid match for the MEW World Enterprise Title from 2004 with champion Stryc 9 defending against Kenny Courageous. First off we get a Kenny totally dissing the MEW ring bell. The ring bell was always kind of like a show and tell project. A few shows we had an actual wrestling/boxing style ring bell, a few times it was a someone simply and sarcastically saying “ding, ding”, and in some cases we used a small motel-style bell. That’s the case here. This is one of the most solid matches in MEW. It’s not perfect, but it’s solid and I’d say both guys were at their best. Stryc 9 was really talented and made a great champion. I always thought he’d go far in the business and had tons of confidence in him. He was reliable, talented, “had the look”, and had more personality than given credit for. He’s accompanied to the ring by Precious, in her one and only MEW appearance. She was around for a lot of MEW shows and finally got on after months of waiting. She’d of done well and I liked the pairing of these two. She added another dimension and depth to Stryc 9’s personality. Taking him in the last MEW show ever, “The Tables Have Turned” is Kenny Courageous. Kenny was around a bit before MEW started and is responsible for training the majority of the “old school Maniaks”. My biggest complaint about him is still his name. It sounds like an 80’s jobber name and it irks me. Knowing how skilled and charismatic he was and probably still is, I always felt his name is what held people back. His efforts in crafting the “green boys” will forever be appreciated because without him taking a dozen kids under his wing MEW would have never started or left the backyard. Enjoy this match between two professionals. Its face vs. face and good old fashion back and forth chain wrestling. The crowd of like 45 is quiet, but I think they’re just shocked to have quality presented to them. And of course, Cameron Vance provides commentary. At this point his commentary partner was knocked out from a chair shot earlier in the night.
Due to Machine coming in and beating up both men, we didn’t get a winner for this match. If he hadn’t, who do think would have and should have won?
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