

Episode: 15 Match: 2
Cade Lee vs. Chayne Wylde
Date: 11/25/01
Duration: 6:41
(*Audio Disclaimer: The audio is jacked up. It’s probably best to watch it with the audio up to a lower level. If you adjust a little, it works and you can still hear some commentary, the crowd, and the bump sounds. This is a horror of dealing with old VHS tapes. I suppose it’s good that I’m transferring these over to some form of digital copy before these tapes turn to ash or something. Sorry about that, but it’s still definitely worth checking out. *)
This match was set up pretty much at Wrestlefest 1. Cade Lee, Chayne Wylde, and Criminal Rage were all in a Three-Way to crown the first ever North American Champion. It was going to go back and forth between the three, but that idea was quickly shunned by those involved. I won’t go into detail, but this match pretty much went down due to some politicking. Wylde wins the belt and would then lose it the next month in the same building to Criminal Rage. There should have been a rematch or two, but it never went down. Everyone went their own direction within the company and out of the company. The match works out though. We see Mad Mark’s only MEW appearance as he helps Wylde win with a roll of pennies. Cool finish.
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