

Episode: 7 Match: 2
Gilbert Lewis/Slappy! vs. Joe Marquette/Mike Menace
Date: 08/16/03
Duration: 9:07
For some reason the quality on the Bring The Pain matches aren’t even as good as the other bad quality matches. This kind of reminds of how YouTube looked on good dial up. Still, this is worth sharing. We have the team of Slappy The Clown and Gilbert Lewis taking on “Iowa” Joe Marquette and Mike “RaTT” Menace. “RaTT” was around when MEW started and was aligned with MACHINE, but went away and came back his own man and aligned himself with the man who thought Iowa should be it’s own country… “Iowa” Joe Marquette. By far, “Iowa Joe” was one of my favorites at this time. He and Ebner were approaching a feud we all had a lot of hopes for. Menace looks pretty impressive here and better than I remember. Slappy did he job well. He interacting with the crowd, had cool spots that were catching on, and would take any bump thrown his way. At this point, Gilbert and Slappy! were coming into their own and they both would of certainly went on to get gold, maybe even together as a team. I do think this match is about two minutes too long, but it’s not so bad at around nine minutes. This is just a solid little tag match that was a lot of fun.
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