

Episode: 7 Match: 4
Carl Morris vs. Shaun Ebner
Date: 08/16/03
Duration: 4:39
For some reason the quality on the Bring The Pain matches aren’t even as good as the other bad quality matches. This kind of reminds of how YouTube looked on good dial up. Still, this is worth sharing. In this very short match we see Carl Morris, “The Only CM That Matters”, “CM Chunk”, “CM Hunk”, etc. taking on “The Cutting Edge” Shaun Ebner. It’s all good and fun until Carl gets dirty with his attack on Ebner’s knee. Ebner puts up a fight, but the knee gives out of him and Carl is on the prowl and keeps having answers to all of Ebner’s despirate attempts to come back. But Carl takes it too far when gets his hands on the ring bell, a REAL RING BELL, and takes Shaun’s knee completely out. This put “The Cutting Edge” down for good and thankfully Tank Escobar and Kenny Courageous made the save before any more serious damage could occur. It’s like a four and half minutes, but I can honestly say I was entertained throughout. This match proves what I/we should of learned sooner and that is “less is sometimes more”.
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