

Episode: 7 Match: 5
MEW World Enteprise Title Match
C:Machine vs. Hiztory vs. Cade Lee
Date: 01/04/02
Duration: 11:07
Earlier in the night at Total Chaos it was Cade Lee vs. Hiztory in a “Number 1 Contender’s Match”. The crowd chanted “Scuba Steve” at Hiztory and offended him. He warned the crowd “If you don’t stop, I’m leaving” and when they didn’t stop. He did NOT return. A first in wrestling. This lead to a three way dance main event that saw Machine defend the MEW World Enterprise Title against both men. Machine wanted to prove himself as a fighting champion and with it being his first defense he decided to take them both on. Cade and Machine team up and beat up Hiztory pretty badly at start. Cade and Machine ended up getting into it and the match became a legit three way fight. Hiz makes a comeback, but his moonsault is missed and they make easy work of him. This leaves Lee and Machine. Cade Lee looks really good in this match and put on a great showing against the big man. Cade had plenty of moments in MEW, but this match has to rank towards the top. I won’t lie, I wanted to push Cade Lee and get him involved more with the main event scene but he wanted to wrestler the younger guys and help get them broken in. Meanwhile, this was just the start of Machine really coming into his own. He won the title about two weeks before this for the first time. In my opinion, this kind of gave other promotions permission of sorts to start utilizing Machine to his fullest. In my eyes, you can put Machine on any roster in the world and have a new Main Eventer and World Title contender. This match, and Cade Lee’s speech at the end proves exactly why.
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