

Episode: 16 Match: 5
Showtime/Twist vs. Lexington/Sunshine
Date: 11/25/01
Duration: 22:17
(*Audio Disclaimer: The audio is jacked up. It’s probably best to watch it with the audio up to a lower level. If you adjust a little, it works and you can still hear some commentary, the crowd, and the bump sounds. This is a horror of dealing with old VHS tapes. I suppose it’s good that I’m transferring these over to some form of digital copy before these tapes turn to ash or something. Sorry about that, but it’s still definitely worth checking out. *)
I’ll be the first to admit that the plans I had for Maniak Enterprise Wrestling didn’t always pan out. Still, there were moments and matches that stand out in the promotion’s short history that have become somewhat of a folk lore. While this match isn’t my favorite MEW match of all time, it’s close. MEW’s first series of main events involved Showtime becoming the MEW World Enterprise Champion and then feuding with Trent Lexington and Scott Powers. Meanwhile, Twist was in the main events as well taking on Trent in a cool little feud. The match was supposed to be Lexington and Powers taking on Showtime and Twist, but prior to this match Powers and I had a falling out and he left to XMW. XMW never happened, but it was ran by people who never cared for me or MEW. They would eventually start running, but it’s the same bland stuff that bored a group of friends to the point of wanting to start their own company. Yep, it’s how MEW started. All we saw was shitty local wrestling with the same old biker looking guys having the same shitty matches. You see, with MEW we had young punk kids having totally different shitty matches. We did something different and I’m always going to stand by those decisions. THIS match is where MEW became “something different”. This match is where the famous “light tube incident” happened. The match was a fun and crazy brawl. It had spots that seemed like someone could have gotten hurt. It was reckless, chaotic, and the few fans in attendance seemed entertained. Then it happened. They started using light tubes! This was not part of the plans and put us in a lot of unneeded danger and stress. The big spot was the “con-light-toe”. WWE’s Edge and Christian used to each take a chair and hit their opponent in the head at the same time in unison. Here it was taken one step farther. They did the same spot, but with light tubes! Crazy! Glass shatters, the crowd scatters, and the line was crossed. From there the match is a blur. It had some more cool stuff, but the peak was that con-light-toe. I can promise you that the people in attendance that night will always remember this experience.
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